Episode 3

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"Let's play never have I ever," someone suggests. "Yes," Sanjana, Amaira, Riya and Advait say. Zain has no expression. Reyan is like whatever everyone wants to do. And I don't have a choice.

Sanjana- Never have I ever peed my pants after the age of 13. No one drinks but suddenly, Amaira drinks from her glass slyly and everyone starts asking her how. She says, I was traveling by car and we couldn't find a restroom and I couldn't control so I had pee into my pants. Everyone burst into laughs.

Amaira- Never have I ever been heartbroken. I see around, no one is taking a sip. I take a sip and see Reyan taking a sip. I wanted to know the story, but I guess everyone else knew because no one asked. I was happy no one asked me also but could see questioning stare from Reyan towards me as if he also wanted to know my story. I cannot relive my story again and have learnt a lot from it to avoid all the mistakes.

We continued the game for 10 more rounds and then everyone got bored. We played songs and people started dancing. I excused myself to take a piss and to get a break.

I opened the first door I could see and it turned out to be Reyan's bedroom. I could see another door that went to the bathroom and I didn't think twice and used the bathroom. I took a piss, set my hair and makeup and came out to see Reyan in his bedroom.

"Sorry, didn't want to startle you. Were you finding a bathroom? I should have told you before where to go," Reyan startles me.

"Sorry I didn't know you don't like people using your bathroom. I should have asked. I couldn't control and this was the only door I could find first." I apologize.

"No worries, it is just that I don't keep my bathroom so clean always and I don't want you to find me so dirty," he says.

"I am sure you keep your place much better than mine. I am always a mess. So, this is your bedroom, you do not have any posters like normal guys?" I look around in his room.

"No, I do not have a single obsession. I like everything in normal limits. So, whats your job role/title?" he asks.

"I am a business analyst at this market research firm in downtown."

"Oh, what a coincidence! I am in the analytics department also. Which software do you like the most?"

"I love using Tableau and R studio. What about you? You might be using more of the programming software, right? I'm more into business than engineering."

"I am very well versed with Python, Java and SAS."

"That's great."

We stood there silently for a minute and just looking at each other. I looked away and saw family portrait photo frame near his bedside.

"That's my family, my parents and my elder sister. Who's in your family?" he asks.

"I'm the elder sister in my family. My family includes my parents, my younger brother, grandparents, my uncle aunt and 2 first cousins. I live in an extended family."

"That's interesting, thanks for sharing."

"No problem. Thanks for having me over at your place. I didn't want to intrude but Amaira said you guys won't mind. I don't like to disturb and annoy people and you can tell me if you don't want me here, I won't be feel bad." I ramble on.

"Wait, are you crazy, we like you. Did you see Advait? He loves meeting new people. Riya as well. Zain is always like this, just give him some time. And you already know Amaira and Sanjana. And about me, I am really glad you came. Somehow you are like a fresh wind to our stormy chaos." That definitely calms me.

"Okay thanks, I think we should go out or else people will start searching."

He stood and gave me a perplexed stare and said yes. I didn't want to leave and go out; I wanted to stay there and talk to him all night. It felt so good after a long time talking to someone who understood me.

We come out and Riya asks where we were. Reyan just gave a small answer that he was helping me finding the bathroom.

It was 3am and I started feeling sleepy, I asked Amaira if we were going to be leaving soon and she said she was not ready. I then told her I would taking my leave and will see her soon.

"Hey everyone, thanks for having me over. I'm feeling sleepy and I'll take your leave." I announce to everyone.

"How are you going?" Advait asks.

"I'm calling for an uber." I reply.

"No, you can't take an uber at this time. Just sleep over here. Reyan has a guest room which you can use." Advait says.

"No, I don't want to impose..."

Advait interrupts me and says,"Reyan tell her she can sleep here."

"Yes, you can stay in my guest room. Come, I'll show you." Reyan says.

I look at Amaira and she nods at me and says it is fine.

I awkwardly go behind Reyan to the guest room.

"So, this is the AC remote and the light switch. I will get you a change of clothes."

"I don't require that. You have done enough."

"Wait here, I will get you a t-shirt and some shorts."

Reyan comes back with a white t-shirt and blue shorts. I change to them; it smells a lot like him. I think of how today went and I am happy I found some good people to talk and hangout with. My last thought before sleeping was Reyan and waiting to talk to him soon. And then I doze off.

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