Episode 6

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It has been 4 months since my move, and everything is going well.

Work has been challenging in a good way, I have been hanging out with The Sanki's almost every weekend, and I have begun to fall for Reyan.

My feelings for him is increasing day by day. I love when I spend time with him. We have been talking a lot when we meet in person, we haven't texted so much but do exchange memes.

With Advait, we have a snap streak going on, he is so funny.

Zain and I have our own crime-based discussions, we both love crime and thriller shows and movies and have our own debates.

The girls and I have bonded really well; however I not as close to Riya as I am with Amaira and Sanjana, it feels like she has been distancing from me. I am overthinking.

We all have come out for dinner.

"Okay everyone Miesha's birthday is coming up next weekend and we all have a long weekend next week, so why not take a cabin trip to the mountains next week?" Amaira suggests.

I am surprised she remembers my birthday.

Everyone agrees and start discussing what to carry and what to do there. I am so excited that I will be celebrating my birthday in a cabin with them and I don't have to be alone.

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