Episode 13

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It is the day when Reyan returns, we all have got ready for the party, drinks, food, music and decorations are done.

All are very happy and excited to meet Reyan again.

I, on the other hand am confused and scared of what Ill do when I see him again.

We get a text from Advait, saying that Reyan is taking the elevator up and will be here soon.

Advait had gone to pick Reyan at the airport.

We hear a doorbell and we rush to bedrooms. Zain goes to answer the door.

We hear chatter and we rush out to surprise Reyan. "Surprise!" "Omg, guys best surprise ever, I missed you all so much." Reyan says and looks around the room like he is searching for someone.

His eyes meet mine and the time stops. All those feelings rush back from bottom of my heart to all over my body, I can't stay still. My heart is racing, I can't think and breathe.

All go and give him a hug and start asking lots of questions.

I stand at same position and do nothing.

"Hey, you okay, you seem to have your blood pressure going up," Zain asks.

I rush out of the living room into Advait's bathroom.

This can't be happening, I had one year to forget him, I did forget him. How is everything coming back again? It can't come back. I am happy with Advait.

"Breathe Miesha, tell me what's happening, I am scared. Should I call anyone?" Zain comes in and starts rubbing my back.

"I cant breathe. I don't know how to tell you this. Should I even tell you?"

"Remember our deal, you still have to tell me something, let it be this thing and you know I won't tell anyone. Trust me."

"Okay, promise me you won't tell anyone. I have liked Reyan since I moved in here. I liked him when I said yes to Advait, I didn't know if Reyan returned my feelings and I didn't want my love to be one-sided, so I said yes to Advait. You would think how selfish I am, and I shouldn't have done that, but I didn't want my heart breaking again and again and after so long I found someone who liked me. I do like Advait but my feelings for Reyan has always been more. When he announced he was going away for a year, I thought this was an opportunity to start feeling more for Advait and forget Reyan. I tried a lot; I gave my 100% in this relationship. But when I saw Reyan today after so long, everything came gushing back. I cant do it more."

Zain stayed quiet and said, "If you want to take my advice, I'm gonna quote your lines when you told me to follow my heart and not to think about the consequences. This is love and love means risk. If you willing to take, then tell Reyan about your feelings. Stay true to your heart and Advait too. I don't think this is fair to him."

"I know it is not. I don't want to hurt him. I have tried a lot."

"I know, just think from your heart."

"Thanks Zain, for being a good friend and my secret keeper. Also, I approve you for Amaira, please tell her you love her. She's lucky to have you."

"I will, for now lets go outside or else everyone will have to start a search party for us."

We go out where everyone are. I go and see Advait, I run and give him a big hug.

I know what I have to do and it wont be easy for anyone of us but I have to do the right thing.

I tell him to meet me tomorrow at my place and leave before anyone stops. I have to be prepared for big day tomorrow.

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