Episode 7

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It is the weekend of my birthday and the cabin trip.

We all are thrilled to go there, we are taking Reyan's car. Reyan is driving, Riya called shotgun, Amaira, Sanjana and I sit in the middle row and Advait and Zain at the end.

It is a 2-hour drive. Everyone has dozed off as we all woke up quite early, I can see Reyan looking at me from the rear mirror, but I avoid his glances.

I plug in my earphones but Reyan stops me and tells me to give him company and starts talking about work. I give in and feel pity for him as he is the one driving.

We reach the cabin and it is beautiful. It has a huge living room, a kitchen, 3 bedrooms with attached bathrooms and a patio with hot water jacuzzi. It is the perfect birthday.

We all choose our rooms, it is me and Amaira in one room, Sanjana and Riya in other room and the boys in the third one. We change our clothes and leave for lunch.

We play some board games and then decide to have BBQ for dinner and prepare the ingredients.

We burn the grill, have our dinner and set up a bonfire.

We are smoking smores and singing songs. The clock strikes 12 and everyone starts wishing me a very happy birthday.

The first one was Advait who jumped and rushed towards me and took me into a hug. Amaira who was sitting beside me wished second and then others line up.

The last one was Reyan and this was the first time we hug, and I feel at home in his hug. He patted my back and whispers in my ear to wait for everyone to go to sleep as he wants to give something to me. I say okay and everyone starts going into their rooms.

I also go, change and come back to the living room to see Reyan lounging on the couch.

"Hey, what do you want to give me?" I ask him.

"Hi, I am sorry if you feel uncomfortable, but I want to give you a birthday gift. Here, it is not much but I think you will like it." He gives me this small box with gift paper covered.

"You didn't have to bring me a gift, this trip was enough, but thank you."

I open the gift and see a charm bracelet with waves charm, heart charm and infinity charm. He knows me so well, he knows I love the ocean, heart obviously means love and infinity coz I always talk about forever. It is so pretty and looked expensive.

"Reyan, this looks expensive, you didn't have to get me this. You could have given me a chocolate and I would have been happy, seriously." I thank him.

"You liked it right, that's what matters and if you want a chocolate, here I found you a chocolate as well." He gives me the chocolate and I start laughing.

He smiles and I give him a hug. No one has done this for me. We hug for a long time and I awkwardly break the hug.

"If you don't mind, do you want to sit near the bonfire for some time," Reyan asks me.

"I would like that, thanks."

We sit near the bonfire and we started talking about our lives and what we dreamt of from childhood. I told him I love traveling and this was the perfect birthday for me.

He told me about his love for baking. He also wanted to try out baking competitions. We didn't realize it was 3am, we have been talking for more than 2 hours.

"You look sleepy, we have a long day tomorrow, we should go back to our rooms." Reyan says.

"Yeah, we should go to sleep. Good night."

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