Episode 11

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That week, Reyan announces he has got a transfer to the corporate office of his company for a year for a project.

It was so sudden; he didn't even give a slight hint when we had met earlier.

I didn't want him to go, but it might be good to move on from him and focus on Advait completely.

He then texts again that he is leaving this weekend in 2 days.

We all go meet him before his flight and bid farewell. I go last.

"Hey, I'm happy for you. You can even get a promotion after this. It will be good. Have a safe flight and stay well."

"Thanks, Miesha. I think I needed this very strongly. Ill see you soon."

We drop him at the airport.

I come home and cry the whole night. I feel something broken and a missing piece in my life.

I clear my mind and think of my future with Advait. I always had this thought that after learning about me and Advait dating, Reyan might tell me about his feelings for me but no, this is clear now he has no feelings for me and he is happy to leave and go somewhere else.

My one-sided love cannot be fulfilled completely and have a perfect relationship.

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