Episode 4

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The next day I wake up and see my phone's battery had died. The clock on the bedside shows it's 11am.

Shit, I overslept, I had set an alarm to wake up at 9am and leave for home. I use the bathroom, adjust my hair, wash my face and go out into the living room.

When I reach the living room, I see Reyan in the kitchen.

"Good morning. Thanks for letting me stay. Sorry I overslept; I normally don't do that at someone's place. Where are others?" I greet him.

"Morning! Chill, I don't mind. I also woke up half an hour ago. Others left around 7am, Amaira even said to wake you up as they were leaving for home, but I told them to let you sleep. Would you like some coffee?" he asks.

"No, I don't want to add more burden to you. I am just leaving."

He comes close, hold my shoulders and says, "Keep this in your mind, you are not imposing or disturbing me or the others. We like you and you are one of us now. So, coffee?"

"Okay yes coffee please, I need caffeine. Also, can I use your phone charger, my phone died?"

"Yes sure, let me get that to you." I smile and drink my coffee. "I am making pancakes; I hope you like them."

I love pancakes, how did he know that!?

"Yes, I love them." I reply.

I turn on my phone and see messages from family and Amaira.

The message from Amaira said they were leaving and she would see me soon. I see I am being added to their WhatsApp group.

I also see friend requests from Advait and Sanjana on Instagram. I add them. I want to send a request to Reyan and refrain from it.

Reyan makes pancakes, I help with adding butter, maple syrup and whip cream. I eat them quietly and fast to avoid any more interactions with Reyan and wash my plate in the sink.

"So, I'll take your leave and see you around. Thank you for all this."I tell him.

"Wait, I'll drop you at your home. I'm going in that direction only. Give me 5 minutes, Ill get ready."

With that he went in his bedroom. I wanted to avoid any conversations, but I don't think God has that in mind.

I always fall in love quickly and keep my heart on my sleeve. If I get close to a guy, I love him strongly and it results to me getting my heart broken always. I also don't have the courage to tell that person I like him as it might affect our friendship. I don't want to lose Reyan as my friend; he is kind, sweet and caring.

"Okay lets go, you ready?" Reyan asks. I say yes and we leave.

We reach my building and I thank him for bringing me home. "

No problem, Ill see you around. Bye Miesha." I bid farewell and enter my apartment.

I start work tomorrow and I am a little nervous.

New job, new environment. I have heard its a very casual free environment. I am excited as well, I like the job profile, it is exactly what I want to do.

I have already planned my outfit for tomorrow.

The next day, I get ready and leave for work. My workplace is 30 minutes away from my home by metro. I reach the building and am in awe, its a glass skyscraper, cant wait now.

"Hi, I'm Miesha, todays my first day in the analytics department. Could you help me with that?" I ask the receptionist.

"Yes sure, here's your id, and take the elevator to the 5th floor and you will find your supervising manager there." She replies and give me my id card.

I take the elevator and see Ms. Jameson, my supervisor and also who took my final interview.

"Hi Miesha, welcome to our company. I will give you a tour of the department. This is where you'll be working, you are given two monitors, one laptop, some post-its and more."

Ms. Jameson continued with her tour, introduced me with some colleagues working at same position as me or higher. I start filing out documents and acknowledge all the non-disclosure agreements.

It's lunch time now and a colleague, Mary came over and asked to have lunch together. I come to know she has been working for 2 years in this company, one year as an intern and then promoted.

She tells me it is very modern firm, not authoritative, accepts feedback and innovation, no politics. I am glad to hear that.

It is the end of day and there is no overtime or take work at home system, which is good. Mary also takes the same metro; we leave together, and I reach home.

I freshen up and see messages from a WhatsApp group. I see its from Amaira asking how my first day was. Most funny was the name of the group which was The Sanki's, and I can guess it would be either Sanjana or Advait who would have kept this name.

I see overload messages asking about me. I reply saying it went well and I like it. Sanjana asks for a small party for getting a new job and I agree and tell them whenever I get my first paycheck, I'll give them a party.

Suddenly I see a message from Advait, he sent me a gif which said party time.

Reyan even sent a message but on the group. I liked that but I would have liked if he would have sent me a personal message like Advait.

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