Episode 12

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Life has been going on well, me and Advait reach our 6-month anniversary.

Advait has been so understanding and caring. He takes me out to different places, we are also taking a weekend trip to a beach nearby, I like him very much and I would always care about his happiness.

But deep down I will always have this never-ending feeling for Reyan.

I respect Advait and will never hurt him. We all have also getting very close, I love them.

We know almost everything about each other.

Riya has broken up with her boyfriend again, this was her 2nd after I started dating and Amaira and Sanjana are not even slightly shocked. They said this happens everytime. Riya cant keep her relationships for more than 2 months. Reyan was an exception coz he was part of the group. They even told me that when she breaks up, she always hurts them badly by telling them their flaws. How did Reyan ever like her? But who cares about them both, they can do whatever they want?

I feel this inner need to tell someone about my heart without any judgement. I feel Zain is someone with no fucks given and no questions asked. He doesn't judge anyone.

Last night, we all met up and I had a very deep and serious conversation with him. I asked him about his personal life, love, family and what he really wants. He loves photography and wants to start a new company related to that, but he hasn't told this to Advait yet, and told me not to tell him as well. I promised him that.

He asked me to tell a secret about mine to him so that we call it a truce and have a deal to not tell anyone, I tell him about fear of not reaching that point in relationship with Advait where he is. He told me to calm down and go on my comfortable pace, Advait is patient and he will never force me with something I don't want to do. It felt relieving when Zain understood and gave his opinion.

One year is completed of me moving here, almost one year to me dating Advait and almost one year to Reyan leaving, that mean Reyan will be returning soon.

Reyan texted us on the group after so long that he is landing on Friday this week. He doesn't text much on the group, just formal texts but is in touch with Amaira, Advait and Zain.

We decide to have a surprise welcome back party for him at Advait and Zain's place as Reyan would be staying at their place for sometime till he finds a new place of his. I am getting all sweaty just at the thought of seeing Reyan again.

But for first time I notice something else, I see Zain staring lovingly at Amaira, I didn't know he liked her.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Zain likes Amaira," I tease Zain.

Zain looks like he has been caught stealing something.

"Um no, I don't like her that way, only as a friend."

"Quit lying, I know that look, I have had that look before. Why haven't you told her yet?"

"I fear of breaking our friendship. What if she doesn't like me back? I don't want to get rejected by my best friend."

"How long have you had these feelings for her?"

"Since our second year of masters program, she gets me, and I like her company."

"That's great, I think you should go for what you your heart desires and not care about consequences, everything has risks but how willing are you to take them?"

"That's great advice but you know our deal, you have to tell me something in return."

"Wait I found this, and it was not you who told me. And right now, I don't have anything to tell, when I have something to tell, you'll be the first person to know."

"Cool, I'll hold you on that."

How can I tell Zain to follow his heart when I'm not following mine? I can't be so hypocrite. Why is heart so confusing?

We meet others and start planning for Reyan's surprise welcome party.

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