Episode 5

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It has been two weeks since I started my job, and I receive my first paycheck today.

I am so excited; I even sent a pic to my family. I invite everyone, even Mary and Josh, my other colleague, to come to my place for a small party.

It would be like a treat-of-starting-a-job and housewarming party.

Everyone replied saying yes and I start to decorate and arrange things. I call for alcohol, mixers and some munching food.

Its 9pm and I hear a doorbell. I see Amaira and Sanjana and welcome them in. They ask to help me, and I decline, everything is ready.

Soon everyone comes and we start drinking. I see Reyan in another polo t-shirt, I guess that's his style. He sees me looking at him and I give him a smile, he smiles back showing his cute dimples.

I suggest we play the cards game; every card face is a rule like ace is you drink, 2 is person to your right drinks and etc. We play some rounds and play some music then.

I see Reyan is a little closed off, I want to ask but refrain from it.

Zain is starting to open to me, he has asked about my work and if I am adjusting well. I am happy that everyone has accepted me.

We decide to play truth and dare. The bottle lands on Riya and she chooses truth. Sanjana asks her at which age did she lose her v card, and Riya replies at 19.

I am scared, I am not comfortable answering these types of questions.

Then it lands on Advait and he chooses truth, Riya asks him if he likes anyone who is present right now and he answers yes.

I am curious who is that, similarly I guess all girls are curious just like me but I see Zain has no reaction so he might know who that girl is.

Riya asks him who that is, and he replies only one truth allowed and spins the bottle.

It lands on me and I choose to dare. I didn't want to select truth because there are many secrets which are hidden.

Advait and Reyan whisper about what to dare me.

"So Miesha which is your least favorite alcohol," Advait asks. I look towards Reyan and he mouths to say the opposite and I say rum.

"Okay great, you have to drown one shot of rum mixed with tabasco and soy sauce."

"Yuk, I am not doing that, you can add at least chocolate sauce to it to nullify the bitter."

They agree and give me the shot. I take a deep breath and take the shot. I see Reyan, Zain and Amaira saying sorry and Advait and Sanjana clap seeing me take the shot. I laugh at that.

We continue the game. It becomes late and everyone starts to leave. Amaira suggests staying and help me clean up the house. Reyan also offers but Riya interrupts him and says that he has to drop her at her home, and I tell him to go and drop Riya. Amaira and I clean up and then she leaves, and I go to sleep.

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