Episode 15

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So this is what I have planned. I have told all my friends about my feelings for Reyan and how I want to ask him out.

Amaira was shocked and wanted to know all details, Zain and Advait already knew and surprisingly Sanjana always had a hint, she's quite an observer.

My plan is to have a scavenger hunt with clues and a note for every reason I like him.

Our friends would be standing at those locations and at the end location would be me. He doesn't know that I would be standing at the lake we had visited during my birthday trip.

Zain will be giving him the first clue and note.

The first 2 clues are very easy, something about him. It involves his gym and his favorite bar where Riya and Amaira.

The next clue is the bowling place we had gone many times where Sanjana will be standing.

The next is his place where I met him first, there will be a new polo t-shirt, jeans and sneakers for him to wear and get ready and Advait will be waiting for him to give him the last clue which is our secret place.

Advait texts me that Reyan guessed that right and has left for the lake which is our secret place.

I have set up lights and picnic and waiting for him.

Luckily the lake is an hour away from the city, so it wont take him so long to reach. I wanted to make this special.

I see a car coming my way and I realize its him.

Its showtime. He stops the car and comes out. He looks extremely dapper in my choice of clothes.

"Miesha, what is all this? I am confused as hell." he asks.

"So, lets take a seat on this picnic blanket. I have something to confess. I should have done this a long time back but me being me I can be stupid sometimes. So, remember when I told you I had loved someone before, but that person didn't return my feelings. That thought has always been with me. I have always thought that I am not capable of getting love back. When Advait asked me out, he was the first person to like me, but I wasn't very true about my feelings then. My feelings for you, which were way more than what I felt for Advait. I was afraid of you rejecting me. But now I have to be honest to my heart and myself. I broke up with Advait a week back, you don't know because I told everyone to keep quiet."

I look at Reyan and say, "Reyan, I love you, I have since the moment I saw you first at your house, I have since you listened to my rant that night, ever since you allowed me to sleep at your place, ever since that birthday night conversation near bonfire, ever since our time to this lake. I pushed my feelings back when I came to know you had some remaining feelings for Riya and you being jealous about Riya and her boyfriend. That was only why I said yes to Advait. I am sorry I am telling you this late, but I don't care about the consequences now. I will not feel bad if you say no to me. It feels as if a large rock has been lifted from my body. So yeah this is me and this is me confessing my love for you."

With that I take a deep breath, I am proud that I could say all that in one single breath.

I wait for Reyan to reply and keep looking at my hands.

"Miesha." He calls me, I look up and in a sudden, he kisses me.

Oh, the lords, am I kissing Reyan?

I am stunned and I realize I kiss him back, that is the best kiss ever, there's fireworks, passion and love.

Reyan likes me back, yayyyyy.

We stop and look into each others eyes.

"Wow, didnt expect that, so does that mean you like me too?" I ask.

"Of course, I love you Miesha, how can you be so blind? I have also loved you since the moment an angel came to my party, slept over and had breakfast with me. I haven't had these conversations with anyone else before, you were the first person I could completely open up and be me. How could you not know I loved you also, I gave you that gift, I took you out here, I sent so many texts after our trip but it looked like you forgot about me and what happened between us. I thought you didn't like me and when you came that day to bowling with Advait, I had my suspicions which turned out true when you accepted his proposal. I couldn't bear that, I felt heartbroken. To get over that and move on, I left and took that transfer. I was never jealous of Riya and her boyfriend. I was jealous of you and Advait. When we were working on your project, I even told you I like a girl who is taken, that was not Riya, that was you, you were my priority and you will always be. I didn't have enough guts to stay and see you with him, I didn't text much because I didn't want to know about your happy life with Advait. But all that is in past, now what matters is that the girl I am completely in love with me loves me back. I love you Miesha with all my heart."

"I cant believe this day is here. I am the most luckiest and happiest girl in the world right now."

We stay there at the lake for sometime and leave for home.

I ask him to move in with me and he says yes.

We call our friends at my place to celebrate.

Seeing all of them and us and happiness, laughter, love and friendship, I didn't know me moving here would be the best chapter of my life.

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