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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

It was a normal school day and Jaeden had just gotten out of the hospital. I was walking to a tree nearby the schools field, once I got there I sat down and took out my drawing pad. I grabbed a pencil and started sketching. I rested my head against the tree, and thought to myself.

'Why did he do it?'

'Their is two sides to a story.'

'Don't judge yet [ Y/n ]..'

'But yet Finn can still be dangerous..'

All these thoughts can to a halt, I could feel someone staring at me. I turned around and saw Finn with his group of friends. Grabbed my things and was about to leave before Finn caught up to me. "Adler!!" Finn spoke grabbed my hand. I scoffed and pulled my hand away. "Whats wrong Babe?" He asked, "One never call me 'bAbE' and two! Leave me alone." I hissed, Finn rolled his eyes. 

"One, I call every girl Babe and two, you on your month-" He was cut off by me pushing him. "What the fuck?!" He scoffed, "Just leave me alone!" I shouted at him, I turned around and saw Wyatt angrily walking up to Finn. "[ Y/n ], go look for Nia and Bri while I settle things with Finn-" "But-" "NO BUTS JUST GO! Please.." He shouted, I nodded and walked away. 

Finn's POV:

[ Y/n ] walked away, I was left alone with Wyatt now. He gave me a death glare, I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed a cigarette. "Look! I don't know what your problem is with Jaeden or [ Y/n ]. But you need to leave them alone!" Wyatt showed, I lit my cigarette and took a hit. "What makes you think that I'm gonna listen to you?" I asked, he rolled his eyes. "What do you want from my sister?" Wyatt asked,

I scoffed and looked away. "Nothing-" "Bullshit.." Wyatt paused, "I know what your about, I don't wanna see my sister heart broken because of you! Now leave her and Jaeden alone." Wyatt shouted, I took a hit and rolled my eyes. "Why should I listen to you-" Wyatt grabbed my shirt and brought me closer to his face. "Because I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you-" I pushed him off of me and he pushed me back, Then he walked off. 

I took another hit of my cigarette. Lizzy ran up to me, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you-" "No.." I mumbled, she kissed me on my cheek. I slightly blushed, "Come on Finn, Chosen and Jen is waiting.." She smirked, I ran with her to Chosen guys. "There you are goddamn." Jenna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever.." I muttered. 

"Now! Can you finally tell us what happened that night at Jack party?" Chosen asked, "Yeah.." I mumbled. "Well I was drinking and whatever, then that fucking prick approached me." I hissed as we walked to the bleachers. "And?" Jenna asked. "And he came up to me and told me to stay away from [ Y/n ] because he saw us." I spat. "Saw you guy what?" Lizzy asked, we took a seat on the bleachers. 

"We were talking on the porch, that's all we did. He was just a jealous prick..." I smirked. "Anyways, he was shouting at me. Then I pushed him, he punched me and well.. Yall know the rest.." I took a hit of cigarette. "Thats all? He was jealous of you and [ Y/n ]?" Chosen asked, I nodded. "Obviously." I chuckled.

"Do you think Jaeden likes her?" Jenna asked, "Well he can't, Wyatt wouldn't allow him to." I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean?" Lizzy asked. "Well the reason why Wyatt and I stopped being friends was because-" I was cut of by the bell. "Was because What?!" They shouted at me. "I'll tell you later! I need to go to class, because my parents will kill me if I skip again." I rolled my eyes. 

"Alright, you wanna meet after school at my house?" Lizzy asked with a smug look on her face. "Nah Babygirl." I smirked, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed my bag. "Aww pleaseee.." She pleaded. "Maybe." I chuckled, I put out my cigarette and walked with Lizzy to her class. Then the bell rang, "See you later Babe." I kissed her, "Bye.." Lizzy smirked. She walked into her class, then I walked to mine. As soon as I got there I saw [ Y/n ]. 

'Shit I forgot she was in this class..'

I walked in and saw the teacher. "Mr Wolfhard you're late." Mr Miler hissed. "Yeah I know, you don't have to announce it to the whole world..." I spat. I sat down in my seat and laid my head down, since I was in the back he couldn't see me well. Then I heard someone tapping on my desk. "MR WOLFHARD! WAKE UP OR I'M SENDING YOU TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" Mr Miler shouted. I got up and yawned.

"Hmm? What?" I asked, "Mr Wolfhard! Grab your things and move to the front!" He shouted, "Can Mr Wolfhard sit in your seat for todays class?" Mr Miler asked another student. They nodded and grabbed their things. I stood up and walked over to the students seat, luckily it was the seat right next to [ Y/n ]'s. 

'Lucky me..'

She rolled her eyes and ignored me. "Anyways! Todays assignment will be a project you and your partner will have to do! But I will be assigning partners!" Mr Miler chuckled, he assigned everyone's partners except [ Y/n ]'s and I. "Last but not least, [ Y/n ] and Finn." Mr Miler shouted, [ Y/n ]'s eyes widened. A smug look was written across my face as I watched [ Y/n ]'s soul drain out of her.


And scene.





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