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[ Y/n ] POV:

I got out of Nia's car and walked into my house. Once I went into the house I saw Wyatt standing there with his arms crossed with an angry expression on his face, "Hey?" I smiled awkwardly, "What we're you doing at the mall?" Wyatt asked, I scratched the back of my neck and stayed quiet. "Nothing, just hanging out with Nia and Bri.." I lied,

"[ Y/n ]! You know I don't like it when you lie!" Wyatt yelled, I stayed silent. He sat down on a chair. "We can stay here all day, I'm not leaving until you fess up!" Wyatt yelled, I scrunched my eye brows.

'Is he seriously making me chose between my friends and Him?!'

"[ Y/n ]! Tell me what happened!" Wyatt shouted, "NOTHING HAPPENED!" I yelled back, he rolled his eyes. "I KNOW YOU WE'RE WITH JENNA GUYS!" Wyatt shouted, my eyes widened. "WHY DO YOU CARE!" I yelled back, I make my way to my room. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU HANGING OUT WITH THEM ANYMORE!" Wyatt shouted.

I paused and turned to face him. "WHY DON'T YOU WANT ME HANGING OUT WITH THEM! THIS IS YOU AND FINNS PROBLEM NOT MINE OR JENNA'S OR ANYONE ELSE'S!" I yelled back, my blood was boiling at that point. I took a deep breath. 

"How did you even know I was hanging out with them?" I asked, "That's not the point!-" "THE POINT IS I'M DONE ARGUING WITH YOU!" I shouted as I ran into my room and slammed the door close. I paced around my room, Wyatt came up to my room door and knocked on it. "[ N/n ]! Can I please talk to you!" He spoke.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, I slowly opened it and saw Wyatt standing there. "[ N/n ]-" "What do you want?!" I shouted, "If your here to tell me who I can hang out with I don't want to hear it! I'm 17! And yet you still treat me like a baby!" I yelled.

Wyatt sighed, he pulled his head down and looked away. "Your right.." Wyatt mumbled. My eyes widened, I stepped closer to him. "What did you say?" I mocked him. "Your right. You're 17 years old, and yet I still do treat you like a baby." Wyatt muffled.

"But I do it because I care about you, I want you to be happy, and I want the best for you. But if you really want to do your own thing. Then do it, I won't be so 'possessive'-" "And controlling." I cut him off. "And controlling anymore." Wyatt continued.

"You really mean it?" I asked, he nodded. "You can live you're own life. But don't come crying back to me when someone breaks your heart." Wyatt hissed, I hugged him. "I won't I'm not that dumb Wy." I laughed.

He hugged me back, we pulled away. "So, can I go out with Jens next week Wednesday?" I asked, "I don't know, can you?" Wyatt asked, "Yes I can!" I laughed.

Finn's POV:

It was about 6 o'clock and I was waiting for Jenna to pick me up since I was at Lizzy's house doing- Nothing. I sat on Lizzy's porch and waited for Jenna. About 3 minutes later Jenna pulled up and rolled down her window. "HURRY UP! I NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOU!" Jenna shouted, 

I scrunched my eye brows and got into her car. "What?" I asked, she gave me a light smack on my head and rolled her eyes. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Jenna shouted. I gave her a confused look and just stared at her. "What are you talking about?!" I asked.

"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT FINN MICHAEL WOLFHARD!" Jenna yelled as she started to drive. "SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" I shouted, "[ Y/n ] told me!" She responded, I stared at her, I was still very confused as to what she was talking about.

"Told you what?" I asked, "You two almost kissed-" "Look! It wasn't intentionally! It was just in the moment! Even if I did kiss her, It wouldn't mean anything to me!" I hissed. "Yeah, but to 13 year old Finn it would mean something." Jenna spat.

"Don't bring him into this! Besides, isn't this good? I can use her to get to Lizzy!" I smiled, my face had pure lust written all over it, even Jenna noticed. She looked as if she wanted to punch me in the face. "Your such an asshole!" Jenna shouted. 

"How could you play [ Y/n ] like that-" "Look! I want Lizzy, and Lizzy only! I don't want [ Y/n ]. Besides, it was just some stupid childhood crush that meant nothing!" I jeered, Jenna rolled her eyes. "How could you do that to [ Y/n ]! She did so much for you, shes even tried to be nice to you. She even-" Jenna paused.

"She even what?!" I scoffed, Jenna pulled over and turned to me. "I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU ANYMORE!" She shouted, I rolled my eyes. "Then what are you gonna do? Complain? Run to your brother for all your problems? You seemed to be doing that for years now." I mocked, Jenna shot me an enraged look.

"GET. OUT. OF. MY. CAR." She heckled, I paused. "GET OUT!" She unlocked the door, I rolled my eyes and stepped out. She locked the doors then drove off, luckily my house wasn't far. I started walking and along the way I thought to myself.

'I shouldn't have said that.'

'I feel bad now.'

'God Finn! You always ruin things!'

'She was just defending [ Y/n ]..'

'God Why am I such and idiot.'

'Now Jenna hates my guts.'

'Then she'll tell Lizzy and everything between Lizzy and I will be Ruined.'


And Scene.


Finn said - "No Jenna"

Can Finn like not be rude for once?

Can he like be nice.

hes so mean.

And yet I still love him


I'm in a toxic relationship CHECK!

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