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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

"Whatever.." Finn chuckled. Nia and Bri gave him a death glare. They jumped onto my bed and sat next to me. "Watcha doing??" They asked. "Nothing just working on this dumb project.." I rolled my eyes. "Well, I think yall are gonna fail-" "Why?" I asked, Nia motioned over to Finn who was outside watching the squirrels. "Hes not as dumb as he looks." I whispered. "What are you insane? He's one of the most dumbest kids in school." Bri scoffed quietly. "Oh please, I'm not the dumb one here, ya'll talk so fucking loud." Finn shouted.

"Its true, your dumb idiot-" "No i'm not!" Finn hissed. "Yes you are-" Bri paused. I turned on the tv and turned it to the news channel. 


Well, thats not our only funny story we have for you today.

A local Raccoon was spotted in a Restaurant.

The raccoon walked in and walked out. 

"HEY THATS THE RACCOON I SAW OUTSIDE!" Finn shouted, "GODDAMN IT CHARLIE!" I shouted, I got up and opened my bedroom door. "WYATT CHARLIE GOT OUT AGAIN!" I shouted, "Shit, I'll go get him!" Wyatt laughed, he got up and grabbed Jaeden. "Come on lets go get charlie." Wyatt chuckled, Jaeden nodded. "Bye [ Y/n ]!" Jaeden and Wyatt said in unison. "Bye.." I mumbled. I closed my door and sat back on my bed.  


Finn sat on the edge of my bed and played on his phone. Nia and Bri where talking and just glaring at him. "Can you guys stop eye fucking me?" Finn hissed. "We're not eye-" "Shh!" I shouted. "What?" They asked in unison. "I don't wanna hear it." I mumbled.

They scoffed and rolled their eyes at each other. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you *EHEM* MARCEL! *EHEM* KALDEN!" Finn teased. Their eyes widened and they blushed out of embarrassment. "How did you know-" "You guys don't hide your tracks at all.." Finn rolled his eyes. "So what are you gonna do? Rat on us-" "I'm not like Wyatt, I don't give a shit. Marcel and Kalden have a right to like whoever they like." Finn mumbled as he looked at them. 

Their face expression changed drastically from annoyed to calm. "Wow.." Bri mumbled. "What?" Finn asked, "If Wyatt found out he'd kick us out for 'Betraying' him.." Nia laughed. I nodded. "That's true.." My eyes trailed away. "Well, as I said. I'm nothing like Wyatt, and I'm not much of a prick-" "Says the guy who attack Jaeden for no reason.." Nia rolled her eyes. We all looked at Finn. "I did it for a reason!" He shouted, "And that reason is?" Bri asked. Finn gave me a weird look then he looked away.

𝙋𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙔𝙀𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎 | 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now