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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

I parked the car in front of Chosen's house, I got out locked the doors and bolted into the house where I saw Nia and Bri flaring around trying to get loose of Kalden and Marcels grips. "LET ME GO BEFORE I KILL YOU AS WELL!" Bri shouted, "BRI I'LL KILL KALDEN AND YOU KILL MARCEL BECAUSE I CAN'T KILL HIM HE'S TO PRECIOUS!" Nia shouted.

"GIRLS CALM DOWN!" Jenna shouted, I walked up to them. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I shouted. Marcel and Kalden let them go. "ITS ALL HIS FAULT!" Nia shouted as she pointed to Finn. "THE FUCK DID I DO?!" He shouted, I rolled my eyes. "SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Chosen shouted.

"OKAY! SO LIKE FINN WANTED TO BE ALL BITCHY BITCHY TO JENS SO WE HAD TO THROW SOME HANDS!" Bri shouted. Jenna explain to everyone what Finn had told her, I was enraged. "BITCH WHAT?!" I shouted, "I mean its true-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP MARCEL!" Everyone else shouted.

I walked up to Finn and grabbed his him by his shirt. "LISTEN HERE YOU FROG FACED BASTARD! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!" I shouted, Finn smirked to me. "Kinky-" I pushed him down and Lizzy ran up to him. "Jens how can you deal with him." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I don't understand how I do." She paused, then scoffed. "Ya know what?" She questioned, Lizzy helped Finn up. "What?" He asked. "Yeah what?" Chosen, Kalden and Marcel asked. "I quit. I'm leaving this stupid ass gang." Jenna rolled her eyes. 

"I- OH SHIT!" Nia yelled. "Wait WHAT?!" The boys shouted. "Yeah, I'm leaving.." Jenna flipped them off. "With Who?" Marcel asked. "[ Y/n ], now bye bitches!" Jenna shouted as she grabbed Nia Bri and I. We all ran to the car and Jenna hopped in the passengers seat.

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