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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

It was a normal school day, Nia, Bri, and I where walking around campus per usual. "So like you guys wanna go out tomorrow?" I asked, "Sorry, I can't i'm going out with John tomorrow." Nia blushed, "Same, Eric and I are gonna crash at his house." Bri mumbled, I groaned. "Guess I'm gonna have another lonely weekend." I paused, "Never mind I have to work on that stupid project with Finn." I sighed. 

"I feel sorry for you." Nia and Bri teased. "Whatever-" "HOLD UP I NEED TO FIX MY MAKEUP!" Nia shouted, she grabbed us and her make up bag, then we ran to the girls bathroom. "NIA WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS A-" I paused, Nia stood in shock as my eyes landed on Johnny and Emily. 

"NIA! I- I CAN EXPLAIN-" I walked up to Johnny and slapped him across his face. "YOU ASSHOLE! SHE DOES SO MUCH FOR YOU! AND YOU GO AND TREAT HER LIKE THIS?!-" "[ Y/N ]! STOP!" Nia shouted as she grabbed me. "NO!" I got out of her grip and started whacking Johnny. Then Eric came out of the bathroom with Veronica. "CAN Y'ALL SHUT UP-" Eric paused and saw Bri.

His eyes widened and he gave an apologetic smile. Bri stood in shock, I got off of Johnny but Nia and Bri grabbed me before I could hit anyone else. Then they dragged me out of the bathroom, I started kicking and punching, basically I was trying to get out of their grip. But they wouldn't let me go.

Finn's POV:

I was walking out of the boys bathroom with Kalden and Marcel since we just finished smoking in there. As we were walking out I noticed Nia and Bri carrying [ Y/n ] out of the bathroom acting like a psycho. "LET ME GO!" [ Y/n ] shouted, Nia and Bri let her go and she fell down on the ground. Nia and Bri were crying. Marcel and Kalden ran to them, while I slowly followed behind. 

"I-I Can't believe after all this time!" Nia shouted in frustration. "They we're cheating on us!" Bri yelled. They let out small tears as Kalden and Marcel hugged them. "Shh, its gonna be okay Nini.." Marcel whispered in her ear. "Its okay Bri.." He hugged her. [ Y/n ] was about to run back in the bathroom but I grabbed her. 

"UGH! LET ME GO! I SWEAR I WONT HESITATE TO PUNCH YOU FINN-" "Ya know, your really light?" I mentioned. "Shut up, just let me go." She hissed. "Nah, I don't want to." I smirked, she rolled her eyes. "Let me go before I get Wyatt-" "No can do Ma'am." I chuckled. "WYATT!" She screamed. Kalden picked up Bri, Marcel picked up Nia and I picked up [ Y/n ]. 

We walked over to the school field and put them on the bleachers. "WHY DID YOU BRING US HERE?!" [ Y/n ] asked, "Never let me go please.." Nia asked, "Never." Marcel held her in his arms. "don't let me go." Bri pouted, "Of course I won't." Kalden smiled. "LET ME GO!" [ Y/n ] shouted, "Nope, you're stuck here with me. Forever-" "Just kill me now." [ Y/n ] sighed. 

"Wow thanks." I groaned. "LET ME GO I NEED TO KILL TWO BOYS!" She shouted, "Who?" I asked. "ERIC AND JOHNN-" "SHH! THEY ARE SLEEPING!" Marcel and Kalden shouted as they stroked their hair. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to [ Y/n ].  

"Soo!" I smirked, "So let me go!" She hissed, "Nah.." I chuckled, I wrapped my arms around her waist and sat her down on my lap. "I feel uncomfortable-" "Why?" I asked cutting her off. "BECAUSE I'M SITTING ON YOUR LAP DUMBO!" She shouted.

I chuckled, "Shut up, ya know you like this-" She stood up causing me to stand up as well. "Let go of my waist." She hissed glaring at me. "Nah.." I smirked bringing her closer to me, she groaned and blushed a bit. "Shes Blushing dude." Marcel mentioned. 

"I won't hesitate to punch you Ruiz." She rolled her eyes.

[ Y/n ]'s POV:

Finn let me go and grabbed my hand, I looked back at him. My eyes trailed down and he continued to stare at me. "Damn, you have small hands-" "Shut up." I blushed. "Whatever." Finn leered. I giggled slightly, Finn grinned. In the corner of my eye I could see Wyatt, Jaeden and Tenzing. I shifted my body causing me to lay onto Finn.

He stared at me and I stared back causing our eyes to lock, his pale maple face was covered in freckles that complemented his chestnut eyes. His exotic cheekbones, and his- I mean. Anyways, they approached us and I pushed Finn away and looked down avoiding eye contact with the boys.

My brother looked furious, he looked over to Marcel and Kalden. "Nia, wake up.." Marcel whispered as he shook her awake, she got up. Kalden shook Bri awake, she woke up as well. Nia, Bri and I stayed silent. "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING?!" Wyatt shouted angrily. 

"EXPLAINED YOURSELVES!" Wyatt shouted, Tenzing and Jaeden stayed quiet. "Look Wy-" "Wyatt, its not their fault. Marcel and Kalden were just trying to help Nia and Bri." I spoke up, Wyatt rolled his eyes. Wyatt sighed. "[ Y/n ] is right.." Nia sniffed, "Yeah..." Bri frowned.

 "I am very disappointed in you, [ Y/n ]. Especially you two." Wyatt hissed, 

"We'll talk later." Wyatt calmed down.

Tenzing patted Nia and Bri's back. Marcel and Kalden stayed quiet. Wyatt grabbed my arm and we all walked away. Finn, Marcel and Kalden stood there watching us walk away. I turned back and Finn smirked at me.

Finn's POV:

As they were walking away [ Y/n ] turned her head towards me and I gave her a light smirk, she grinned back and continued walking with them. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I was still in shock, I couldn't believe that [ Y/n ] stood up for us. 

"Wow, still can't believe she stood up for us..." Marcel mumbled, Kalden and I nodded. "Well at least shes not like Wyatt." Kalden muffled. 


And scene.

Lowkey Finn • [ Y/n ]




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