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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I was still in the clothes from last night, I turned around and saw Finn laying down next to me. My eyes widened, I stared at his sleepy face, admiring his features and freckles. 

Then his eyes slowly opened, our eyes locked and we stared at each other for a good 2 minutes. He smirked and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. I blushed and looked away, breaking our eye contact. He slowly got up and groaned in pain.

"Morning." He smiled. "Morning.." I replied softly as I sat up. He got up and grabbed some clothes. "I'm gonna take a s-shower. Uhm, if you wanna go and take one you can borrow my clothes.." He mumbled. I nodded and he walked into the bathroom.

I got out of the bed and walked to his closet, I grabbed an over sized shirt and some shorts. "Why is there a girls shorts in his closet?" I mumbled to myself. I gagged as I thought about it. "Lizzy. Ew." I muffled.  I walked into a different bathroom and quickly took a shower. 

Finn's POV:

I had just gotten finished changing. I grabbed my phone and started to look at pictures off Lizzy and I together. Soon my eyes became teary, "The love of my life. Gone. Because of that asshole. I'll make him pay." I whispered to myself.

I began to quietly sob as I continued to look at pictures of Lizzy and I. Then I heard footsteps coming into my room. I turned and saw [ Y/n ], she looked like she had been standing there for a while. She walked up to me and sat down on my bed.

She grabbed my hand and held it lightly. "Finn listen.." She said in a calm tone. She grabbed my phone out of my hand, turned it off and placed it onto my bedside table. I turned to face her, "Listen, its okay to feel sad...." She mumbled as she rubbed my hand softly with her thumb. 

"But don't let the sadness consume you." She smiled. I smirked softly, and sat up. "Why don't we do something fun today. Just me and you alright?" [ Y/n ] mentioned. "We can relax, watch a movie. Chill maybe order some pizza?" She smiled.

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