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Finn's POV:

I was sitting on the lunch table far away from [ Y/n ], I sat next to all the boys in my group while she sat with Wyatt and her friends. I rolled my eyes irritatedly. "What is it now?" Marcel asked. I shrugged, Chosen and Kalden scoffed. "Look, [ Y/n ] is chill if you like her then you should ju-" "Hold on! Who said I liked her?!" I hissed. "You're implying it right now Finn." Kalden rolled his eyes, "Besides if I did like her, Wyatt would kill me. Literally." I explained, 

They nodded. "We know that, your forgetting we were there when you and Wyatt had your little shit show." Marcel chuckled as he poked at his food. I rolled my eyes and glared at Wyatt sending him a look of disgust in my eyes. He glared back, my eyes trailed off. "Whatever, do you guys wanna go to the park today?" Kalden asked. "The park? We're not fucking five years old anymore. Besides what would we do over there?" Chosen laughed. 

"Smoke Drink, have a blast duh." Kalden chuckled. "So our normal?" Marcel asked. Kalden nodded. "Well, shit I got nothing to do so. Sure." I mumbled. "Ight after school." Chosen smirked. I stared at [ Y/n ] and grinned occasionally. Chosen noticed me and waved his hand in front of me, causing me to snap out of my day dream. "Earth to Finn!" He shouted, "WHAT!?" I shouted, "Dude stop eye fucking her!" 

I paused for a second then listened to Chosen. "Ayo Marcel, isn't that your girl with Orlando?" Chosen asked. Marcel looked over and rolled his eyes. "I fucking hate his guts! He's an asshole, and he cheats on her! He doesn't deserve her!" Marcel hissed. They nodded. Kalden scoffed and rolled his eyes as he stared at someone approaching Bri. "Whos that?" I asked.

"Thats Eric, the local fucking tool of town. Hes a prick and he treats Bri like shit. I hate him.." Kalden spat. Then I looked over and saw Jaeden put his arm around [ Y/n ]. I rolled my eyes, stood up and grabbed my trey. "What are you doing?" Chosen asked. "We're fucking leaving." I hissed. They followed me to the bin and I threw my tray away. We started walking away and felt a burning sensation run through me.

 I turned around and saw [ Y/n ] staring at me, I sighed and chuckled to myself. We walked off and went to the bleachers. We sat down and started talking, "Be honest, do you actually like Nia and Bri?" I asked. They gave me a weird look. "NO FUCKING DUH FINN!" They shouted, "Geez it was just a question calm your tits!"  I laughed. 

They scoffed and rolled their eyes. "Whatever." I sighed. "So, we heard about what you and Lizzy did before the party was over. Is it true?" Chosen asked. "We may have done some stuff okay.." I chuckled. "Bro didn't you just sleep with Sophia?" Marcel asked, "Yeah, so what?" I asked.  "Dude be honest, do you just wanna get in [ Y/n ]'s pants?" Kalden asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Look, I'm not-" "Is this because of that little crush you had on her when we were kids?" Marcel asked. I scoffed, "Its different okay! Besides, I never said I liked [ Y/n ]!" I hissed. "Alright damn, someones on their period.." Chosen laughed, I laid back and slouched. "Ayo Finn look its your girl-" "Which one?" I asked, they laughed. "Lizzy." Marcel laughed. She ran up to up and gave me a small peck on the cheek.

"Hey!" Lizzy smiled. "Hey Babe." I smirked. She sat down on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her. Then Jenna came running over. "Where were you assholes!" She shouted, "Cafe-" "Shut up Marcel." Jenna spat. She sat down next to Chosen, "Liz, Maverick is coming. I think you should get off of Finn's lap-" Jenna was cut off by the sound of Lizzy's brother approaching.

"Wolfhard." Cash hissed, "Greene." I spat. "What are you doing?" He asked as he glared at Lizzy. "Nothing! Can you just leave me alone!" Lizzy pouted, He rolled his eyes. "Lizzy! I told you, I don't want you hanging around him!" Cash shouted, "Shut up! You can't control who she hangs out with asshole!" I shouted. I held on tighter to Lizzy. 

"Yeah hes right Cash! Just leave us alone." Lizzy hissed. Marcel, Kalden, Chosen and Jenna just sat back and watched us argue. "Can't you just let us be happy! Finn is sweet and nice to me. He would never hurt me!" She mumbled. Cash rolled his eyes. "Damn! Your that desperate to date my sister." He spat. "I'm not desperate, I actually like Lizzy for your fucking information!" I argued.

He scoffed and cracked his knuckles. "Bullshit." He shouted, "Not Bullshit. Fact shit." I chuckled. "Fine! If you really wanna date my sister lets make a bet!" Cash shouted, "Alright!" I shouted, "Who is someone that Finn hasn't slept with or has never had feelings for him before?" Cash asked as he looked over at Marcel guys. 

"Well there is." Marcel paused. "But he hasn't slept with-" Kalden paused. "He hasn't slept with-" Chosen paused. "[ Y/n ], he hasn't slept with [ Y/n ]." Jenna spoke, "OH YEAH!!" The boys shouted, I rolled my eyes. Cash looked back at me. "[ Y/n ] huh? Wyatt's little sister? The A+ Student?" Cash asked me. "Yeah so what? What does this stupid bet have to do with her?" I asked.

"Well, if you can get [ Y/n ] to fall in love with you. I'll let you date Lizzy." Cash chuckled. Lizzy's eyes widened. She didn't care that I had to hang out with [ Y/n ], she only cared that I would actually be able to be her boyfriend without Cash judging us. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "You can do it Finn!" She smiled.

Jenna rolled her eyes. "This is a stupid bet! [ Y/n ] has feelings to assholes! You realize you need to break her heart to earn Lizzy's?" Jenna shouted, Marcel and Kalden nodded in agreement with Jenna. "Eh, I say go for it." Chosen laughed. Cash glared at me and gave me his hand. "Deal?" He asked. 


And scene..


I haven't even started writing the next chapter 

[ At this moment that im posting this ]

I already hate Finn.

But yet I still love him -_-

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