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[ Y/n ]'s POV:

I was walking around the mall with Nia and Bri. Along the way we past an old ice cream shop, I smirked. That was the place Finn and I used to go to, he would always complain about them almost never having cookies and cream, which was our favorite flavors.


Finn grabbed me by my hand and ran to the ice cream shop. "Finn! Slow down! We just lost Wyatt." I pouted. "So? Lets get some ice cream!" Finn smiled, I giggled and we ordered our ice cream. "So! Your turning 12 soon! What do you wanna do for your birthday?" I asked, "Hang out with you and all our other friends!" Finn chuckled as he gave me a quick hug. "Besides that Dumbo!" I laughed.

"OHHH! Well then I don't know." Finn laughed. I playfully rolled my eyes and giggled. "Come on our ice cream is almost finished!" Finn smiled, he grabbed my hand and we got our ice cream. Sadly Finn dropped his right after we left the shop. "NOT AGAIN!" Finn shouted, I giggled and he frowned. "Don't cry, we can share mine!" I smiled, "I wasn't gonna cry." Finn spoke sadly.

"Yeah sure." I giggled. He bit a part of my ice cream and my eyes widened. "What? I don't have sensitive teeth." Finn smirked. I smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Happy early birthday Finnlard." I shouted, "SHH! And thank you." He blushed. I grabbed his hand, "Now lets go find Wyatt!" I said as we started running away.


I smirked to myself, and started giggling lightly. "What are you giggling about?" Nia asked as she poked me. "Yeah [ Y/n ]! Who you thinking about?" Bri teased. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Nothing. I just remembered something." I smirked, "Well, what did you remember?" Nia asked, I stayed silent for a bit, just remembering how I felt when I was with Finn. I sighed.

"Remember that old ice cream shop over there?" I asked as I pointed to the shop. They nodded and looked back at me. "What about?" Bri asked. "I used to go there Finn, when we were younger.." I chuckled, they nodded. "Yeah, we know. We were all so close.." I chuckled. I nodded, "Yeah, we'd rarely fight.." Bri smirked. "Ugh, I miss the old times-" "I lowkey miss Jenna." I mumbled. "Don't we all?" Nia and Bri said in unison.

"True.." I chuckled. "She was like our mom, and remember! Chosen was like our dad!" Bri shouted, "Yeah I remember I'd always get in trouble for what Tenzing would do." Nia laughed. "And I remember all the fun times I had with Marcel. He was really sweet, unlike Johnny.." Nia mumbled. Bri and I rolled our eyes, then we patted Nia on the back.

𝙋𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙔𝙀𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎 | 𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙣 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now