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VERONICA ROMANOFF POPPED HER CHEWING gum as she sat in the passenger seat of Natasha's sports car. The older Romanoff driving drove the vehicle down the road, without a single care for the speed limit. 

Grabbing her smartphone from the dashboard holder, the younger redhead quickly searched through her contacts before she came across 'Icicle' and tapped it. Her fingers worked fast as she wrote 'Mission alert. Extraction imminent. Meet us at the curb :)', before hitting send and throwing the phone back down. 

Her green eyes watching the scenery go by until she finally spotted a pair of familiarly broad shoulders that belonged to non-other than Steve Rogers as he stood on the side of the pavement, conversing with an unknown man. 

"Who's he with?" The words left Veronica's mouth before she could even think about the question. Her eyes inspecting the dark skinned man standing beside Steve. She had never seen him around. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt that had sweat stains around the neck with some grey jogging pants. Even from where she was she could spot that he was clearly out of breath. 

"No idea, Nika," Natasha replied as she parked the sports car right on the curb in front of the two men, "Hello fellas. Either one of you know where Smithsonian is? We're here to pick up a fossil."

"That's hilarious," Steve commented as he made his way over towards the car. 

Veronica snickered at Natasha's comment as her eyes lingered on the unknown man behind Steve. His dark brown eyes were wide as he observed the vehicle in wonder. Before they finally landed on the redhead sitting in the passenger seat. His eyes immediately lit up when Veronica sent him a quick wink, "How you doing?" He asked with a cheeky smile. 

Veronica heard Nat letting out a quiet snicker that she ignored, "Good, you?" She asked smoothly as her eyes stayed focus on the mysterious man. Despite being practically drenched in sweat she couldn't deny that he was good looking. 

He grinned widely and nodded, "Good, good."

"Can't run everywhere," Steve suddenly said, re-gaining the man's attention as Veronica watched them. Steve opened the back door as he spoke, sliding in and looking at his newly met friend through the open window with a friendly smile. 

"No, you can't," The dark skinned man muttered, his eyes falling back onto Veronica as she sent him a quick wink merely seconds before Natasha pressed her foot back onto the gas and the trio disappeared from his view.

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