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"IT WAS HIM," STEVE SAID gloomily. The four of them were sitting in the back of one of the HYDRA vans, being taken to God knows where, "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me."

"How's that even possible?" Sam questioned, Veronica felt his arm brushing over hers, their knees stay connected as they were seated besides one another, "It was, like, seventy years ago."

"Zola," Steve said after a moment of silence, realisation flashed through his blue eyes, "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must've found him and..."

"None of that's your fault, Steve," Natasha told him sincerely, Veronica watched carefully as her sister kept pressure on her bullet wound.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky," Steve frowned.

Veronica could practically feel Steve's pain, she looked at him with a look of sadness before her eyes fell back on Natasha when the older redhead let out a pained hiss, "We need a doctor here, ASAP!" She called out, knowing very well Nat wasn't going to be able to heal until that bullet was removed.

Suddenly, one of the guards sitting with them pulled out their electric rod. Veronica's eyes widened as she subconsciously pressed herself closer to Sam, who instinctively wrapped his arm around the redhead. Much to everyone's surprise, the guard used the rod to neutralise the other guard, knocking him out almost instantly.

Veronica's piercing green eyes were wide with shock as she watched the guard reaching up for their helmet. She felt herself sighing in relief when the helmet came off and Maria Hill was sitting amongst them.

"That thing was squeezing my brain," She stated, throwing the helmet aside as she looked up, "Who's this guy?" Hill questioned, gesturing to Sam.

"Sam," Sam introduced himself, lifting his hand in an awkward wave as he and Veronica quickly pulled away from one another, ignoring the teasing looks coming from both Nat and Steve.

"Right, well let's get out of here, then."


MARIA HILL BURNT A HOLE in the bottom of the van, using her laser pen, everyone jumped out before making their way over to Hill's vehicle she left not far from there. No one said anything as the agent drove them somewhere and as much as Veronica trusted the woman, she couldn't help but watch her every move intently.

When they finally reached their destination, Hill lead them through what looked like a secret facility. Veronica watched as an unknown man with glasses ran up to them.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint," Hill said, referring to Nat's wound. 

"Maybe two," Sam piped up.

The man nodded, "Let me take her."

Maria Hill stopped him, "She'll want to see him first."

 Veronica shared a puzzled look with her sister, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, but nevertheless, the four of them - and the doctor that trailed after them - followed Hill to a smaller room. There was a curtain in the middle of it and as soon as the SHIELD agent moved it, everyone gasped in shock.

"About damn time," Nick Fury smirked, looking up at them from his hospital bed.

As soon as they had seen him, the doctor rushed Natasha into a nearby chair as he began to work on her bullet wound.

"Lacerated spiral cord, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver and one hell of a headache," Fury listed off his injuries as if they were nothing.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung," The doctor working on Natasha piped up.

"Oh, let's not forget that," Fury nodded, "Otherwise, I'm good."

"They cut you open," Natasha spoke up, her eyes watching the man intently, "Your heart stopped."

A proud smirk appeared on Fury's lips, "Tetrodotoxin B. Slows down the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress," He explained, "Didn't work so well for him, but we found a use for it."

"Why all the secrecy?" Veronica inquired.

Steve nodded, "Why not just tell us?"

"Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful," Hill spoke up, sending them a tight-lipped smile."

"Can't kill you if you're already dead," Fury added, "Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust."

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