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BY THE TIME THE SUN had finally come up, the trio arrived to wherever it was that they would be staying low at. To say that they were exhausted would've been an understatement. The youngest redhead felt as her eyes closed and opened with exhaustion, her body felt tired and sweaty, not to mention covered in dust, dirt and dried blood.

Steve knocked on the front door before his eyes looked around them, making sure no-one followed them.

When the front door swung open Veronica felt her green eyes widening and subconsciously she straightened her tired posture.

"Hey man," Sam greeted Steve before his eyes traveled around the trio, lingering on a certain redhead at the back of the trio. When he noticed how dishevelled she looked he couldn't help but worry.

"I'm sorry about this," Steve smiled sheepishly, "We need a place to lay low."

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Veronica added, she sent Sam a small smile.

Without a second thought, Sam moved, gesturing for them all to enter, "Not everyone."

Veronica couldn't help but feel thankful for the man. His kind gesture probably saved their lives. He showed them the spare bedrooms in his home, letting them shower and finally freshen up. Veronica was the first one in the spare shower whilst Steve showered in the other one. 

She let out a sigh of relief when the water washed over her aching body. As much as she loved the feeling of it, she wasn't going to spike Sam's water bill, so as soon as she was decently clean she exited the shower. Drying herself off, she placed her dirty clothes back on (since they were the only ones she had) before exiting it, letting Nat take her place.

Veronica was towel drying her hair as she strolled through the house, her eyes inspecting every inch of it. It seemed homey, the comfort that washed over her as soon as she stepped through the threshold was very prominent. 

The younger redhead found herself back in the kitchen, where Sam was working on the stove. He clearly didn't hear her as he kept his back facing her. Before she could speak up, Sam turned around, jumping in surprise when his dark brown eyes landed on the redhead.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," She told him, offering him a friendly smile.

"No worries, you're just very quiet," The man chuckled as he turned the stove off, scooping the eggs he made onto three different plates.

"I think that's the point of an assassin," Veronica pointed out, chuckling softly. 

Her smile widened when Sam chuckled at her statement, nodding his head, "That makes sense," He said, looking up from the food at the redhead.

Veronica bit her lip as she looked at the man, her eyes sparkled as she observed him. It was strange, she had never felt so drawn to someone before, yet here she was. He seemed to do the exact same, his eyes inspecting her carefully, from her bright red hair to her piercing green eyes, he couldn't help it as he grinned to himself.

Someone clearing their throat suddenly snapped both Sam and Veronica out of their trances. Sam looked away, walking over to the fridge to grab the orange juice as Veronica looked over at Steve momentarily, ignoring the teasing smile he sent her as she looked down at her feet. 

"I made breakfast," Sam announced as he placed the unopened orange juice on the kitchen island, "If you guys...eat that sort of thing," He added with an amused chuckle.

"I'll go grab Nat," Veronica suddenly announced, her eyes stayed focus on the floor but she could  feel both Sam and Steve staring right at her, until she disappeared around the corner. She found her older sister in the spare bedroom, drying her hair with a towel, "Food's ready," The younger redhead announced, gaining Natasha's attention instantly.

"Why are you so red?" Natasha suddenly questioned, an amused glint in her eyes as she observed her sister.

Veronica shuffled on her feet uncomfortably, "I don't know what you mean," She said in a rushed voice. She rushed to the adjacent bathroom, placing the towel into the wash basket before coming back out, refusing any eye contact with Nat, "Come on, let's eat."

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