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VERONICA ROMANOFF AND STEVE ROGERS stood side by side in silence on a small abandoned bridge. They seemed to be more than comfortable with the silence; Veronica wasn't one to talk about feelings and it was clear that Steve was going through an insane hard time (which no one was surprised at, his old best friend – who he thought was dead – suddenly appeared out of thin air and was now brainwashed by HYDRA, yeah that sounds stressful).

"He's gonna be there, you know?" A new voice came to the right of them. Both Veronica and Steve turned to face the approaching figure simultaneously. The redhead couldn't help but smile at the sight of Sam before she quickly looked away.

"I know," Steve sighed, his voice was strong but the look in his eyes gave his emotions away.

Sam frowned, "Look, whoever he used to be, the guy he is now. I don't think he's the kind you save," His voice was firm but cleat full of remorse, "He's the kind you stop."

"I don't know if I can do that," Steve confessed.

"Well, he might not give you a choice," Sam sighed, "He doesn't know you."

Veronica glanced at Steve, she watched as his jaw locked, "He will," He said firmly, "Gear up, it's time," He announced before he started walking off, his shoulders tense.

"You gonna wear that?" Sam called out, his tone was now a lot less serious as he tried to defuse the tension.

"No. If you're gonna fight a war, you gotta wear a uniform," Steve shouted over his shoulder before he finally disappeared from sight. 

Silence once again filled the bridge as Veronica and Sam now stood side by side. The redhead had already been wearing her Red Widow uniform, ready for the mission ahead, as she kept her eyes straight, practically doing everything in her power to not let them stray over to the man besides her.

"You nervous?" Sam's question caught her off guard.

She turned towards him and shook her head, "Not for myself. More nervous about Steve," Veronica confessed. It was true, she really wasn't nervous for herself, she never was during a mission (which was all thanks to the Red Room). She was trained for this. She'd been doing it practically her entire life, after a while the fear leaves you, "You?" She questioned softly as she finally turned to face him.

He chuckled, "Will you judge me if I say a little?"

Veronica couldn't help the grin that appeared on her face, "Of course not."

"Good, because I'm nervous as hell."

She couldn't help but chuckle, her heart fluttering in her chest. It was strange. Being near Sam seemed to always brighten her day up, even if they were about to start a dangerous mission. His presence just seemed to relax her. 

"Maybe after this, I can take you out to dinner?" Sam suggested, his smile made Veronica's insides feel like they were on fire.

"I'd love to--"

"There better not be a but."

Veronica frowned, "I'm a monster, Sam," Her voice was firm, "I wasn't made to be happy, to be loved. I was made to kill," She told him seriously. She had never been so comfortable with anyone before and it really freaked her out. Veronica hadn't had much experience in the dating scene, she was far too busy with S.H.I.E.L.D. and saving the world. She didn't know how to date or love. She wished that she did, but the truth was that she really didn't; she hadn't even been on a real date before. 

Sam sent her a comforting smile, sure rejection didn't feel great, but it wasn't anything personal and he knew that. He had heard of the famous Red Widow (who hadn't), she was part of the Avengers, the superhero group that did everything they physically could to save the world. He understood her apprehensive stature towards romance, "Do you know why I don't refer to you as Red Widow?" He suddenly questioned.

Veronica shook her head.

"It's because you're more than that, Veronica," Sam told her, he was looking at her seriously, "You're a human that deserves to be loved, you deserve to be happy..." He took a step forwards and placed his hand on her shoulder, "...and I can't wait till you see that for yourself," With that, he turned around and walked away, leaving the redhead standing there, her thoughts swarmed and her heart full. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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