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"WHAT ABOUT THE NURSE THAT lives across the hall from you?" Natasha asked as soon as her and Veronica's feet touched the boat deck, the younger redhead rolled her eyes playfully, "She seems kind of nice."

Veronica undid her parachute, discarding it aside.

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date," Steve ordered, sending Nat a pointed look.

"I'm multitasking," Natasha stated as she watched her sister jumping over the deck to a lower point of the boat.

Veronica moved skilfully through the boat without anyone spotting her. Her footsteps were quiet as she hid behind a wall when she heard a group of pirates walking past. As soon as they were gone, the redhead made her way down the stairs she spotted earlier. 

Her green eyes landed on a man with his back facing her. She heard him muttering orders in French before he finally turned around, his eyes widening in shock when he spotted the redhead female standing right behind him, a wide smirk spread across her face, "Hello, sailor."

Before the French pirate could say anything, Veronica kicked her leg out, kicking the man right across the head which caused him to stumble back. As he did so, she kicked his chest, sending him flying over the railing down below, his screams echoing through the walls of the ship before completely disappearing. 

Using the gauntlets; which were wrapped around both of her wrists, the redhead swung over the edge, shooting any pirates that looked her way. As soon as her boots touched the ground, she swung her legs out, knocking two pirates down onto the ground with a loud bang. 

"Natasha, what's your status?" Veronica heard Steve's voice coming through her earpiece.

She jumped over both of the pirates, spinning in the air as she grabbed each of their arms, throwing them back onto the ground.

"I'm doing my mission," Natasha replied nonchalantly. Veronica instantly knew what she meant, however, she was surprised that that's how Nat answered, seeing as Steve had no clue about that part of the mission.

"Veronica, what about you?" Steve asked.

The redhead didn't reply at first as she knocked two more pirates out,


"Give me a second," She finally replied, swinging over a pole to knock out yet another pirate, that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, "Engine room secure," Veronica finally clarified. She stood up straight, dusting off her clothes as she casually walked away.

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