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VERONICA ROMANOFF FOUND HERSELF SITTING on Sitwell's right hand side, whilst Natasha sat on his left, both women were squishing him in the middle tightly, practically leaving him no room to move. 

Sam was driving, his dark brown eyes would glance in the rear-view mirror every few minutes, specifically at the younger redhead. Whilst Steve sat in the passenger seat, his eyes observing the outside.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell suddenly stated. Veronica could see the fear prominent in his eyes, and it was clear that that fear was making him talk their ears off.

"So why don't you stick a cork in it?" Sam questioned, glaring at the man through his rear-view mirror. However, his glare instantly softened when he heard Veronica chuckling softly at his words. A small smile seemed to make its way onto Sam's face as the pair shared a look.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours," Nat spoke up, glancing between her phone and Steve as he glanced at her over his shoulder, "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"I know," The super-soldier nodded, "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly."

"What?" Sitwell shrieked, his eyes almost bulging out of his skull, "Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea."

"No asked," Veronica told him, sending him a dark glare which instantly shut him up.

Before anyone else could speak, something suddenly landed on the roof of the car. A metal arm smashed through the windshield. Before either Nat or Veronica could react, the arm pulled Sitwell right out, throwing him into the oncoming traffic. 

Veronica could hear someone walking around on top of the vehicle before gunshots started. She moved out of the way, shielding her head when Steve suddenly pulled the brake leaver, causing the car to come to a sudden stop which resulted in the man from the roof rolling off. Veronica let out a pained groan when a different car suddenly slammed into them, causing Sam's vehicle to move forwards.

Her piercing green eyes watched as the man - who she now recognised as The Winter Soldier - standing back up. She couldn't see his face due to a black mask that was strapped tightly across the bottom half of it, the top half being hid with his shoulder-length brown hair. His metal arm glistened in the sun and his other arm was holding onto a large shotgun. 

He rushed back onto the car. Breaking the windshield with his metal arm before pulling the steering wheel right out from under Sam's fingertips.

"Shit!" Sam yelled, his eyes wide as he looked at the trio with a panicked expression.

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