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VERONICA COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. NICK Fury was in hospital, literally fighting for his life. According to Steve, Nick had decided to pay him a late night visits when an armed shooter suddenly broke in, shooting Nick almost to death before getting away.

"Is he gonna make it?" Natasha questioned, Veronica could see the worry flashing through her sister's eyes as she came to stand besides her, looking through the glass to the other side of the hospital room where doctors worked tirelessly to bring Nick back to full health.

"I don't know," Steve confessed, his eyes locked on Nick's unconscious body.

"Tell me about the shooter."

Veronica's ears piped up when she heard Natasha's words. Glancing to her left she let her green eyes watch Steve as he sighed, "He's fast and strong," The super-soldier said, "Had a metal arm."

"Metal arm?" Veronica questioned, a flash of realisation washed over her face but before Steve could ask her anything, Maria Hill joined them.

"Ballistics?" Natasha asked, turning her attention to the brunette.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable."

"Soviet-made," The two Romanoff's said at the very same time, they shared a knowing look, one that made Steve even more confused.

Maria nodded, "Yeah," She breathed out.

Suddenly, the sound of beeping filled the room. With a worried expression, Veronica turned to look at Nick's body, worry filled her veins as she watched the doctors all share an uneasy look as they rushed around the man, shouting orders. 

Veronica felt her blood run cold when she suddenly noticed a nurse pass a defibrillator over to the doctor as Nick Fury suddenly flatlined.

"Don't do this to me, Nick," Veronica heard her sister mutter quietly. Wordlessly the younger Romanoff grabbed Natasha's hand, squeezing it comfortingly as they watched the doctor yell, "Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" The doctor gave him a shock, "Pulse?"

"No pulse!" A male nurse suddenly yelled.

Veronica's eyes widened, the scene caused her so much distress yet she couldn't bare to look away. 

"Okay, two hundred, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!"

Nick received another shock. One that did nothing yet again. One that caused more anxiety to rush through Veronica. Her green eyes watered and she barely even noticed Steve grabbing her other hand, all four of them watching nervously.

"Give me epinephrine! Pulse?"

"Negative," The male nurse replied.

Natasha shook her head. Tears stung her eyes as she muttered, "Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me."

Veronica felt sick to her stomach as she watched the doctors trying to bring Nick back, however nothing was working and he was still flatlined. She didn't want to admit it, but she knew it was probably too late now, and if the shocks didn't work the last three times, they probably weren't going to work again. However, that didn't stop her for hoping that they'd work this time...and then the next time and the time after that.

The hopefulness only washed away when the doctors moved away from the body, looking at each other with saddened expressions. Nick was still flatlined and Veronica let out a quiet sob.

"What's the time?" The doctor that used the defibrillator asked.

Veronica felt Steve turn his head away as she did the exact same, looking down at her black boots.

"1:03, doctor," A female voice entered Veronica's ears.

"Time of death, 1:03 A.M."

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