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EVER SINCE THE PIRATE SHIP mission, Steve had been distant to everyone. Veronica didn't blame him, he clearly felt lied to; even though in the redhead's opinion it wasn't lying and was just simply not telling the whole truth. So, she was more than surprised when the super-soldier asked her to accompany him to Sam's (the mysterious man from the park) PTSD meeting for veterans. 

As surprised as she was, the couldn't lie that she felt strangely happy about being invited along. It was a strange feeling, one that Veronica hadn't felt in a very long time; if ever. 

"Why'd you invite me along?" She finally asked the question that had been playing on her mind all morning.

Steve shrugged, "You two seem like you'd get along," He answered as they walked through the building. 

Veronica heard Sam's voice before she saw him, but when she finally did he was sitting in a circle  with other men and women surrounding him, "Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back," He said, looking at a woman veteran sitting opposite him, "It's our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it gonna be in a big suitcase or in a little man-purse? It's up to you."

Veronica watched him intently, her mind processing the words that he just said. She couldn't help but admire him in that very moment, her green eyes watching his every move as her thoughts were speaking louder than anyone at the meeting. 

The redhead suddenly felt a nudge on her side, finally tearing her eyes off Sam she glanced up at Steve, a confused look on her face, "What?"

Steve sent her a playful smirk, "Stop looking at him like that or he'll blow up."

"Do I hear Steve Rogers - the oldest man in history - making a joke for the first time in...ever?" Veronica teased, hiding the fact that her cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire.

Before Steve could reply, the sound of chairs scraping against the wooden floorboards entered Veronica's ears, glancing to the side she watched as Sam said goodbye to the veterans; all of whom were looking at him with hopeful gleams in their eyes.

Suddenly, the man began to make his way over to where Steve and Veronica stood, the latter of who suddenly felt a strange wave of nervousness wash over her, something Steve very clearly picked up on as he sent her a playful wink. 

"Look who it is. The running man," Sam said playfully as soon as he got close enough to the pair. His dark brown eyes suddenly turned to Veronica as his smile widened, "And the gorgeous mysterious redhead."

Veronica had never felt flattered by anyone, yet here she was, almost a blushing mess as she looked at the man who was sending her his best smile, "Veronica Romanoff," She finally introduced herself, holding her hand out.

Sam's eyes lit up as he took her hand in his. Instead of shaking it, however, he bend his head down, letting his lips meet the back of her hand, "Sam Wilson at your service, Miss. Romanoff."

Veronica embedded her lower lip in her teeth as her eyes watched the man carefully. Warmth surged through her body, especially the spot on her hand that he placed the kiss on. In that moment she had completely forgotten that Steve was standing right besides her, and he most certainly was amused.

The super-solider suddenly cleared his throat loudly, causing Veronica to drop her hand from Sam's grip as she sent Steve a pointed look. He, on the other hand, looked at her with a knowing smirk before he turned his attention back to Sam; who also seemed to have a light blush coating his cheeks, "We just caught the last few minutes," He said in a more serious tone, "It's pretty intense."

Sam nodded, "Yeah, brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt, regret."

"You lose someone?" Steve suddenly asked, clearly noticing the change in Sam's demeanour. Veronica also picked up on it but decided not to pry in.

Sam nodded, a deep frown graced his face, "My wingman, Riley. Flying a night mission," He explained, "Standard PJ rescue op, nothing we haven't done a thousand times before, till RPG knocks Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do," He added sadly, Veronica felt herself frowning at the guilty look on Sam's face, "It's like I was up there just to watch."

"I'm sorry," Steve and Veronica both uttered out at the exact same time.

"After that, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?"

"But you're happy now, back in the world?" Steve asked, sending Sam a soft smile.

The dark skinned man grinned, his eyes briefly met Veronica's as he nodded, "Hey, the number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So, hell, yeah. You thinking of getting out?" He directed his question at Steve.

The super-soldier shrugged as Veronica turned to look at him, she knew he was always on edge about some of the missions, but didn't realise that this is how he truly felt, "No. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know what I would do with myself if I did."

"Ultimate fighting?" Sam joked earning a laugh from Steve and a small chuckle from Veronica, "It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you could do whatever you want," Sam said, his tone slightly more serious, "What makes you happy?"

Veronica kept her eyes on her friend as she watched him sigh sadly, she could clearly see in his eyes that something was bothering him, "I don't know."

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