6. Shattered

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4 days later

(Carrie's POV)

I feel so horrible for not being there for my younger brother and sister. What kind of big sister am I? William has never been this bad. He is becoming unhinged, like a lion when his instincts finally take over. I never thought he would do something so terrible, so down right cruel. He is a monster, I hate him.

RaeAnna has been unconscious for almost 5 days now. She lost too much blood. She had to have emergency surgery. We told the school she had come down with a horrible case of the flu, to avoid anyone finding out what actually happened, we didn't want her to have to relive one of the most horrible moments in her life, hopefully she would wake up soon. I never wanted to be around the house due to the fighting, but now I was really regretting it. I should have protected them; I should have done something. Instead I ran away like a coward. I can admit that now, I was weak.

RaeAnna looked so fragile laying in that hospital bed, so small, with all the machines connected to her tiny body. The loud beeping surrounded my heart, tugged and riddled me with regret.

I haven't left her side since I found out. I haven't been able to. The guilt is eating me alive. It's not just guilt. I have a new overwhelming feeling to be around her, to be around them. To make sure no harm can come their way. I also found out my mom stood up for William instead of protecting her kids. Her own flesh and blood. She is despicable. I am furious with her. No, scratch that. I am beyond furious. I told her she should leave, while I stay here with her. I couldn't stand to look at her right now.

The doctor walked in to check in on RaeAnna."How is she doctor?" I asked, worriedly.

"She's stable, but getting a little better by the look of her bloodwork." He then went on to elaborate.

"When is she going to wake up?" I asked hopeful, yet fearful.

"I wish I knew. Just keep the hope that she will wake up soon. Try talking to her. That has been known to help. Hearing your voice might be just what she needs."

"Thank you, Doctor." He nodded, then left once again to give me some more time with her. I have been too distraught to talk, but it couldn't hurt to give it a try.

"It's me pretty girl. It's Carrie. Your sister. I'm so sorry!" I choked out. "I should have been there to protect you and Kota. I'm so sorry sweet girl, so, so sorry. I love you more than you will ever know. Please, if you can hear me I need you to wake up. We miss you. We need you. Kota needs you!" I was sobbing by this point, tears blurring my vision. I began praying to whoever was out there listening. Please let her be alright.

(RaeAnna's POV)

It was dark, so, so dark. I kept running but I got nowhere by doing that. There was no light, only gloom. I was trying to scream, but no noise came out; My vocal cords felt worn out yet they felt as if I hadn't used them in days. I just couldn't muster the strength to get any sound out, it felt useless, I felt powerless.

That's when I heard a voice, A soft, sweet voice. I didn't know who the voice belonged to, but I knew I needed to get to her. Somehow, some way. I began trying to run to the cry, I stopped when I heard his name.

"Kota needs you!" I jumped and came back in a flash, I slowly opened my eyes but quickly shut them again due to the bright fluorescent lights blinding me from up above. Where was I? What is that pain in my stomach?

"Rae!" Carrie cried out. "You're awake."

Awake? How long was I asleep? I thought. I went to talk but all that came out was a little squeak. My mouth was as dry as the Sahara desert, there wasn't a tinge of moisture.

"Water?" Carried asked. I nodded.

She handed me a styrofoam cup with cold water in it, but realized I needed some help due to the IV'S in both of my arms. She put it to my mouth and I slowly gulped it down.

Water never tasted so good. When was the last time I had a drink?

"Thank you."

"What happened? Where am I? My stomach hurts." I inquired, while wincing.

"You're in the hospital pretty girl. You don't remember what happened?"

I shook my head no. "Hang on, let me go get the doctor to let him know you're awake, okay?"

She came back in quickly with the doctor. "Ah, RaeAnna we are so happy to see that you are finally awake. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"Doctor what happened to me? Why am I here? What is that pain in my stomach? It hurts."

Carrie and the doctor shared uneasy looks. "I'm sure it will come to you. We don't want to strain you too much trying to remember if your brain isn't ready for it, okay? We will give you something to help with the pain."

I nodded. "Okay." I then turned to look up at Carrie "Where is Kota?"

She smiled. "Don't worry. He is with grandma. He's safe."

I've been in the hospital for over a week, I was getting distressed. I couldn't take being here for another minute, I wanted out of here. The strength I had was beginning to wear thin. I still don't remember what happened, nobody will tell me. I tried to work my brain to get at least a glimpse of what happened. Nothing. I was so tired, so utterly exhausted. I tried to fall asleep for hours that night, finally the slumber I so desperately needed took over me entirely. That night it came to me. It came to me permanently, it would forever be etched into my broken mind.

I started having a tense nightmare, only it didn't feel like a nightmare. It felt more like a memory, A horrible memory I wouldn't soon forget after this night.

I saw William, he had that sinister, savage look in his eyes. Only it was different from the looks I have previously seen, something inside of him had snapped. Then, it happened. In less than a second, He had a knife. He stabbed me twice, once in the stomach and once in the leg. I fell clutching onto it, my fingers red and bloody. He hit mom so hard she was unconscious, she couldn't move. Then he pulled out a gun, cocked it and started unloading it towards the room Dakota was sleeping in. Gunshots filled the air, my ears were ringing. He then proceeded to run, like the pessimist devil he is and will always be.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"RaeAnna! Wake up! It's okay. I'm here. It was only a bad dream."

"No Carrie, it wasn't a dream!" I cried. "H-he s-stabbed me. Didn't he?"

Carrie looked taken aback for a moment, then she nodded hesitantly.

"How could he? How could he be such a monster? What did we ever do to him?" I was losing it. "I want to see Kota!" I sobbed out.

"Okay. I will bring him by tomorrow. It's 2:30 am. But you need to calm down okay pretty girl? Don't get yourself too worked up. Breathe with me."

She then breathed in and out slowly while I copied her, slowing my racing heart down. I smiled, halfheartedly. "Okay, I'm feeling a bit better. I just need to see him. He's like a son to me Carrie. I love him like he is my own. Well, he pretty much is."

She grinned knowingly. "I know sweet girl."

I needed to see him to know he was okay, I needed to protect my little brother. I will protect him. Nothing will happen to him, not while I am still alive.

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