28. Nuisance

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(Lincoln's POV)

RaeAnna is getting more confident by the day with her use of gun skills. My dad has taught her well, it's also the only time she is able to unwind, something about shooting really puts her into her element. I think she is very fond of the idea of being able to protect her family. She has been practicing very hard for the last couple of weeks.

As I watch her now my gaze on the side of her angelic profile, she looks powerful, with her ear muffs, safety glasses, and the black handgun she is holding, she has never looked more beautiful. Every time she hits a target she looks to me for assurance, I can't help but smile. I give her an encouraging thumbs up as if to say 'you're doing a fantastic job.' The way her brown golden locks of hair whip around her face, the way the sun shines down upon her skin, I can't help but stare. Am I developing a crush on my bestfriend?

She comes up to me, taking off her safety gear. "How did I do?" She questions with a smile in her eyes. "You did wonderful. I am so proud of you. You're a natural." I give her shoulders a small squeeze, ruffling her hair a bit, causing her to giggle and slap my hand away playfully. "Thanks Link. Glad I could make you proud."

"You will never stop making me proud. You are an amazing, strong person and I couldn't be more proud to call you my bestfriend."

We are back at school today, with a couple more days until spring break. I'm about to walk in when I happen to glance to the side, I see a black SUV parked close to the school, with very dark tinted windows, as soon as they see that I'm staring at them, they peel off leaving me with questions. I try to brush it off, but that is much easier said than done.

I see RaeAnna, she looks distressed, I see some guy talking to her, she looks annoyed and then she says something that has me rushing to her side. "Just leave me alone!" I come up to stand beside her, slinging my arm over her shoulder, eyeing the guy she was talking to. "Is there a problem here?"

"Yes dude. Your girlfriend is a stuck up bitch." He says in an annoying high pitched voice. RaeAnna goes to say something but she doesn't get a chance to because I have already grabbed the guy by his shirt and have him pinned up against the lockers. "Say that again, I dare you. If she wants to be left alone, you leave her alone. Got it?" I say with a deadly look apparent in my eyes. RaeAnna comes up to me with a sweet, gentle touch to my arm, which calms me down slightly. "Let's just go. Okay link?" I nod in her direction, still glaring daggers at what's his face, I hesitantly let him go. "Do. Not. Bother. Her. Again. Or me and you" I motion to the both of us "will have some major problems."

We walk away, I steal a glance at her, I can see she is trying to hide behind her huge smile, with pursed lips. "What would I do without you?" She asks. "You will never have to find out." I give her a little kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later alright? Let me know if he ever bothers you again. I will handle it." She shakes her head a little. "Okay I will. See you in math class."

(RaeAnna's POV)

I love how Lincoln stands up for me, I seriously couldn't be more thankful for him. The bell rings letting us know it's time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria, sitting at my normal table, and begin eating my sandwich. I see Lincoln coming but he isn't alone, he has his friends with him. I see Rylee, Layne, Cooper and Conner. "Is it okay if we sit with you guys today?" I only shrug my shoulders in response. "Link told us about that guy who was messing with you today. His name is Zain Woods, he's a real ass." I chuckle loudly at that. "Yeah I kind of figured that out."

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