37. Constructing revenge

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(Lincoln's POV)

An hour after I woke up, getting ready for the day, I trail downstairs to tell my dad to take me to RaeAnna's house so my uncle can pick us up and take us to his house. RaeAnna needs to practice, as I come face-to-face with my father I know right away something is wrong. My heart stopped beating in my chest as I stare vacantly at him, waiting for him to start speaking. He looked pained with what he was about to tell me, when finally the words I'm sure he wanted to leave unspoken left his mouth, words I have dreaded to hear. "RaeAnna's grandma just called" he sighs nervously then he continues. "She has gone missing."

The tears I tried to stop began to flow down my face, I couldn't stop them, not even if I wanted to. I knew exactly what happened to her. I backed away from him quickly, grabbing the house phone on the way back upstairs to my bedroom, locking the door and dialing my uncle's number. He answers on the fifth ring sounding like he just woke up. "H-hello?" He says into the phone.

"She's gone. They have her." I say my voice filled with menace. This seems to get his brain functioning properly. I hear rustling from his end. "Find her uncle chess! Now! Who knows what they could be doing to her or what they have already done!"

"Okay. I'm on my laptop. We will find her Link, I promise you." This doesnt help me right now, I need to see her to rest my worries. A couple seconds of silence later he says "I found her. I'll pick you up and then we will go to her." The line goes dead before I can respond. I start pacing nervously. It's like my soul has left my body. I'm not complete knowing she is in danger while we slept peacefully throughout the entire night. "DAMMIT!" I yell and punch the wall, my knuckles start to bleed, but I could care less. I will never forgive myself for this, I couldn't protect her.

I stare out of my bedroom window impatiently waiting for my uncle to arrive. I see his truck and I fly out of my room sprinting down the stairs, going through the front door before my dad asks me any questions. I hop into the truck, he speeds off, flying through traffic, probably breaking at least 10 laws, but he doesn't slow down. "Here put this on." He hands me a dark bulletproof vest. I put it on as fast as I can muster. He also hands me a gun. He doesn't need to tell me what it is for, I know what to do.

We finally pull up after what feels like hours. It is a run-down cabin in the middle of nowhere, it is surrounded by trees, if she didn't have the tracker on her it would be easy to miss. He gives me a quick rundown on what we have to do. We get out, moving stealthily through the tall grass and bushes. We see one man standing outside smoking a cigar, looking like he is keeping watch. My uncle doesn't think twice before shooting him twice, once in the head and once in the heart. The bullets fly through the air as quick as lightning, but making no noise due to the silencer. He falls to the ground, bleeding profusely.

It felt good to watch that, no telling what he did to RaeAnna. I can't even think about that. We look around for a few more seconds, quickly springing into action when we hear a blood-curdling scream, that's her.

(RaeAnna's POV)

Chester still hasn't come for me. Does he even know I'm missing? Does he even care? It's been hours and with how I look, how I'm feeling you would think I'd been here for weeks.

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