48. Affliction

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(RaeAnna's POV)

With William captured and being held prisoner at Chester's I felt like I could finally breathe again. With that part being dealt with, I could finally deal with the trauma I have experienced. I almost died, three times. I was stabbed, almost set on fire and I went into a coma, only to find the hidden disease the doctors didn't figure out until it was almost too late. My mother was murdered in the most heinous way. Although I was angry with her before, for the way she treated Dakota and I, how she always put William above us, I would have never wished that upon her.

I had thought long and hard about telling my grandma the disturbing details about everything I went through, I decided against it. She would probably get the police involved, putting together a whole investigation. That just wasn't something I could go through right now. I would eventually come clean to Dakota, one day when he is old enough to understand it completely. He at least deserves to know what happened to our mother, it's only fair. Since nobody knew about her being killed, we would never get to have a proper funeral for her, but Lincoln and I are planning to put together a little memorial for her soon, which I thought would be a good first step in helping me grieve.

We decided to ask Chester if we could drive by her house to see if it was still vacant, if it was maybe we could get as much of our old stuff as possible. There wasnt a lot of pictures, but there was a few of Dakota, Carrie, my mom and I. Our memories there were definitely not the greatest, but those pictures are something I would like Dakota and I to have, to remind us of where we came from and remind us of how far we have come since then.

After school that day Lincoln and I went to my grandma's house, waiting for Chester to arrive. He finally pulls up into the driveway. "Are you ready for this beautiful?" Lincoln asks me. "I'm ready, let's do this."

Chester drove the 20 minute drive to my old neighborhood. I seen the house from the main street. The house looked abandoned, like nobody had been there in months. "Well it doesn't look like anybody is there, let's make it quick kids." Chester states.

I exit the truck, cautiously making my way to my old house, my old hell-hole. This would be the first time Lincoln had seen my childhood house. I try to open the front door to find out it is locked. "Dammit!" Chester exclaims. "No problem. The back window is broken. Come on guys." They follow me to the back.

Lincoln gives me a boost through the window so I can get inside and unlock the front door. Once I get in I am overwhelmed with an unfamiliar emotion. I had always hated this place. Why was I feeling sad being back here?

I go to unlock the door to let them inside. They walk in and their mouths fall open, taking in the condition of the trailer, looking at the numerous holes in the walls, glass shattered throughout the floors, ripped and torn couches. "Many of William's famous freakouts." I explain to them. "Sheesh RaeAnna. I'm so sorry." Chester says, looking pained. I shrug. "Its only a part of my past." Lincoln takes my hand into his. "Nobody should have to go through that. Let's get what you need beautiful and head out." He says. I go to the closet in my moms old room, getting the plastic box of pictures, while the guys look around a little bit.

I then go to my old bedroom to get the few toys we had, my books and my drawings. I also get Dakota and I's favorite movie. I walk around a little, taking as much of our stuff as I can. I go to where Lincoln and Chester are. "I think I'm ready to go now." They both grab the stuff I have gathered, taking it to the truck. "Thanks for doing this Chester." I tell him with appreciation. "No problem kiddo."

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