34. Devastating revelation

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(Lincoln's POV)

I haven't seen my mom in almost 4 months now. What the hell was she doing with RaeAnna's father? After I heard her name, I knew it could no longer be a coincidence. My mom and I look a lot alike, people have always told me that I had her smile. What RaeAnna told me spooked me to the core. She killed a man? Why was she involved with the dangerous people who have been threatening my best friend for months? I said I would always be here for her, I meant that. I just never knew my own mother would be involved in all of this, this really complicates things. She was supposed to be in New York, why is she here in Texas? Has she been watching RaeAnna? Keeping tabs on me? I couldn't sit still anymore, the tiredness I was feeling before, completely gone. I got up off of the bed and began pacing back and forth around my room.

I wasn't able to stop pacing, until RaeAnna came up to me, gently holding both of my arms, rubbing them tenderly, trying to calm me down. "We will find out why your mother has been associating with them. You know how you are always saying you will always be here for me, even through all of the crazy stuff I'm going through?" I nod. "Well I'm always going to be here for you to." A single tear fell from my eye. RaeAnna wiped it away with her thumb, then she pulled me into a loving, caring embrace.

"I just don't know how my mother could do this. She has always been a caring mother and a loving person. I don't understand, but I do know one thing for sure though, if she can be around that poor excuse of a human being William, then she is no longer any mother of mine. I will not be related to anyone who would ever hurt you. You are my everything, I hope you know that. If they ever try to take you I will not hesitate to shoot and kill them, I'm just so sorry." I tell her through my tears. "Why are you sorry?" She asks me in that sweet, angelic voice that she has. "Because you are such an amazing person who doesn't deserve these horrible things that have been happening to you. I just wish I could take it all away." I tell her, my heart breaking into a thousand pieces, my chest feeling heavy for her.

She lifts my chin up with her hand so she can meet my eyes. " it's not your fault that all of this is happening, you are the most wonderful wonderful person I have ever met. Please, please don't say sorry. You always make me feel better."

We both get into my bed, she cuddles up next to me, her head resting on my chest, my arm is wrapped around her. I lean in to kiss her forehead. "Try to get some rest sleeping beauty." She smiles and closes her eyes, her soft, quiet snores quickly filling the quiet of the air around us.

I wake up in the morning to the smell of breakfast being made downstairs. I turn seeing RaeAnna is no longer in bed with me. I quickly hop up going downstairs in search of her, stopping short when I hear her sweet laughter. I go into the kitchen, leaning against the wall watching her and my dad make breakfast together. They get along great, it warms my heart. I can't believe after everything she has been through she is still able to laugh. She is the definition of resilient. "Ahem." I say jokingly behind them. My dad turns to me with a bright smile. "Goodmorning son. Are you hungry? RaeAnna made the pancakes." He asks. "Sure dad."

We all sit down at the dining table eating eggs, sausage, bacon and the pancakes RaeAnna made. That's when my reality comes crashing back down with full force, I remember what a my mom has done, who she has been with. I quickly lose my appetite and end up pushing my food around on my plate with the fork I'm holding. "Oh link. I have something to tell you." My dad says with a small grin.

"Your mom came into town last night. She wants to see you." Both RaeAnna and I drop our forks down onto our plates at the same time, hearing the clinking of them hitting our plates. The air grows thick with tension. My dad looks confused. "What? Do you not want to see her? I can tell her not to come." I shake my head back and forth trying to keep my tone neutral. "No. I want to see her."

I lie, I don't want to see her face ever again, but I can't tell my dad what is going on. He would have a major freak-out. "I think she is bringing presents early for your birthday." I scoff internally. I will make sure to personally burn each and every item individually, along with all of her pictures that I have in my room. "Yeah. Cool." I say uncaring. "She will be here in a few hours. I told her about RaeAnna and she really wants to meet her." I roll my eyes, I bet she does. I can't let Audrey be around her. "Actually RaeAnna can't stay. She has to go home to help her grandma. Don't you Ann?" I say hoping she plays along. "I do?" I narrow my eyes slightly at her. "Oh yeah I do. She needs help cleaning and rearranging the living room. I promised that I would help her." She tells my dad, saving my lie. I sigh quietly in relief. "Well okay. Maybe next time." My dad says to her sounding upset, fat chance I will ever let that happen. She will never go anywhere near my best friend, if I have anything to do with it."Yeah, sure. Next time." I say sounding agitated. My dad just squints his eyes at me, not understanding my hostility. I need to find out a way to get answers from Audrey. She doesn't know I know who she has been with and that I know what she has been doing. I need to get answers, for myself and for RaeAnna. She at least deserves that much.

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