9. Waiting on the next move

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(Blue's POV)

I did exactly what the boss asked me to do. I'm not one hundred percent certain as to why he asked me to send this 11 year old girl that letter, or why he has been telling us to keep an eye on her and her younger brother Dakota, but what the chief says goes. All I know is that they are his ex wife's children. And he wants to get back at her by messing with them. That's all he gave me. I didn't question him about it. He would shoot any of us without thought if we dared to question him.

We have also been keep an eye on Carine as well. William's orders. We bugged her house while she was out getting more vodka. One of the men even convinced her to start taking pills. His name is Tony. He somehow got close enough to earn her trust. Stupid woman. "Is it done?" William inquires.

"Yes boss, it is done. I got my nephew to deliver it to her."

"Good." Is all he says.

"The next box will be sent out a week from now."

"I think you deserve a drink." He goes to his liquor shelves, with hundreds of different types of liquor bottles. He pulls out the bottle of scotch, pours two glasses and slides one over to me.

"Thanks boss." He nods.

"This is why you are my right hand man." He attempts a compliment. If the boss is happy, everyone is happy.

(RaeAnna's POV)

It's been three long days since I got the first box. I can't tell anyone what the letter said. I'm extremely worried that they will kill Dakota if I do. My life's number one priority has always been to protect him. I can't and will not let him down now.

I still have to go to school as if everything is normal, so it won't raise any suspicions. I'm scared the box will be sent to Gramma's house while I am at school. I'm afraid she will open it. If anything happened to her I would never be able to forgive myself. It would be all my fault. I can't focus. This has taken up all the space in my head.

"Everything okay Anna? You seem... tense." Sarah asks, sorrow apparent in the way she speaks.

"I'm fine Sar. Just got a lot on my mind."

"You can talk to me. You know that right? I'm your best friend. I'm always here for you."

"I know and I love you for that, but this is something I have to deal with on my own, okay?"

"Okay just let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

"I will." I say with a smile.

School is almost over. I walk quickly towards my locker to put my books inside. I need to make sure Gramma is okay. "Excuse me?" A boy asks from behind me.

I turn around and become frozen for a moment. His eyes are the most gorgeous shade of blue I have ever seen. Short, dark hair that's a bit messy. He is at least 3 inches taller than I am."Yes?" I question the stranger.

"I've seen you around school. Something is drawing me towards you. I don't know what it is but I was wondering if we could hang out sometime?" Confidence, lacing his voice. He is very straightforward.

I smile halfheartedly. "I'll think about it. What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Lincoln, but you can call me link."

"Okay link, I'm RaeAnna." He smirks. "I know." Then he walks away casually. What just happened?

I think for a second. Oh well, I don't have time to dwell on it now. I go outside of the school and find Dakota sitting in the grass. "Hi baby."

He turns around with a little grin. "Hi Rae, you see Gramma?"

"She will be here soon little man." I hope. 10 minutes pass. She finally pulls into the school's parking lot in her silver 1991 chevy caprice. I can see her platinum blonde hair from here. I love that woman.

She waves to us. "Come on babies, get in." I'm delighted that she is okay, but I still have to worry about when the next box will come. Why is my life so problematic?

(Carine's POV)

I feel funny, weakened by all the pills I took. Why did I ever start taking them? I just polished off my last bottle of vodka. I will need to get more. Maybe Tony can get some for me. He seems like a decent man. I can't move. I feel so exhausted. Am I going to overdose?

I hear the front door opening then closing. I can't get up, not having the strength to open my eyes, I just lay there, feeling paralyzed.

I hear two men coming close. They are laughing hysterically. Who are they? Is my last thought before I pass out on the couch in the living room.

Following morning

I wake up, feeling extremely drained. I feel like I got ran over by 10 school buses, twice. My head is pounding. I desperately need some advil.

"Ahhh." I groan. What happened to me last night? I can't remember a damn thing.

I try to search deep inside my mind for any memory, anything. Nothing comes. It's blank. Did I fall asleep on the living room floor? The house looks messier than I recall. I can't be sure, I got too hammered.

I make my way up off of the hard living room floor, to go to the bathroom. My skull feels as if someone is inside of it smashing a hammer from the inside of my brain. I stand in front of the mirror. I look terrible. Bags underneath eyes, disheveled hair. I have a bruise on my forehead and a good sized gash on my cheek. How did I get that?

I don't remember the last time I had a shower. I splash some water on my face, in an attempt to wake myself up. It doesn't help. I sit on the toilet seat, face in my lap and scream, although it doesn't sound like a scream because my voice is so weak. What have I done to myself? The tears are flowing freely. I can't stop them from falling now. I miss my kids.

(RaeAnna's POV)

I keep looking out the window, waiting. I feel eyes on me, but I see no one. When will this end?

*knock knock*

I jump a little, not expecting the knocks on my bedroom door. "RaeAnna it's me." Gramma Rosie states.

"Come in."

"How're you holding up miss sunshine?"

"I'm fine Gramma."

"You sure sweetie?"

"Yes just a few things on my mind."

"You know you can tell your Ol' Gramma right? I'm all ears." I freeze in thought for a moment. Should I tell her? No I can't. They will kill her and then they will probably kill Dakota. I can't live with that on my concious. I can't be the reason that they die.

"It's nothing important, just school stuff." She looks a bit skeptical.

"Okay honey. You're positive?" She questions again, eyebrows raised. She knows something is going on. She isn't stupid, she knows something is wrong with her granddaughter.

"I'm sure Gramma." I give my most reassuring smile, hoping she drops this subject.

She smiles back. "Okay. I love you, Kiddo."

"I love you to gramma." Oh how I wish I could tell you what's going on, but I can't. It's for your own good. It's for your safety and Kota's.

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