31. Interception

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(Lincoln's POV)

I am feeling panic-stricken thinking about RaeAnna's next mission, thinking about what they will threaten her to do has me feeling volatile, anticipating the worst. What will they do next? I have still been working on my plan to find the identities of these individuals. I haven't told RaeAnna about my plan yet, I hope she doesn't feel upset, or left out, feeling like I am keeping things from her. I plan to tell her eventually when my plan becomes more solid, it is a work in progress.

I need to figure out who is the one sending her these boxes, who is writing these letters. My mind is spinning with different ideas on how to approach this. I could try to follow them, but that would be risky.

Just then my father walks into the kitchen to make some coffee. "I need to go to the grocery store here in a little while. We are running low on food. Did you want to come with me?" My dad asks me. "Sure dad. I'll go." Maybe a little time out of this house will clear my head some.

I go upstairs to take a shower and get ready. I decide to wear a plain blue t-shirt, dark blue jeans and my black vans. I head back downstairs to wait for my dad. "Lincoln are you ready?"

"Yes I'm ready. Just waiting on you." We get into his truck to head to the store, we go inside. "Go ahead and get whatever you want." My dad tells me. I go down the snack aisle and start picking out my favorites.

Just then I feel two pairs of hands covering my eyes, I flinch a little, I'm about to push them off of me until I hear her voice. "Hi Link. Did I scare you?" RaeAnna asks with a giggle. I turn around to face her, shaking my head. "I could have hurt you, you know." She snickers. "Sorry we just came to buy a little food."

"Yeah us to." She looks lost in her thoughts. "Lincoln, we have to talk. My house or yours?" She questions. "We can go to yours this time, if that's okay." I respond. "Should I come later or ride home with you?" I ask. "Hmm..maybe just come later. I need to uh..write something." I immediately knew what she meant. "Okay. I'll come by around 2. Is that a good time?" She nods, gives me a quick hug and goes back to her grandma and her brother.

My dad and I head to the check-out area to pay. When we get back to our house we unload all of the groceries, my dad begins to make some lunch, but I'm stuck wondering what RaeAnna wants to talk about now. Is it bad or is it something worse?

(RaeAnna's POV)
I am about to start writing a letter for Lincoln to read once he gets here, I have a plan in my head, just hope he agrees. I decided to do something I've never done or thought about doing before, just hoping it didn't backfire on me later. I grabbed the letter that they wrote me, I was going to let Lincoln read it along with the letter I was going to write to him, so he could understand to the full extent just how evil they were. I grabbed a pen, thinking a little before I begin writing.

Letter- link, I have a bit of a favor to ask of you. You can say no, I feel horrible even asking this of you. Please just know that I am not using you nor would I ever think of doing that. I just didn't really have any other options. My grandma doesn't really have a lot of money since she only receives one check a month for disability. I know your dad makes a lot of money. I was wondering if you could take or borrow one of his credit cards to help me buy and put a tracker on to their car. That way we could take action. I don't know what else to do, I will work off the money we will use for it. It should only cost around $55 or so. You would be doing me a favor, I have been thinking this through. The only problem we would have is how we would get the tracker onto their car and where we will go from there. But we can cross that bridge when it comes. Please say no if you don't feel comfortable doing this, I will find another way. Also the other letter is the one they wrote me, so you can read it and see the horrible, horrific things they want me to do. I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I did it. They are ruthless, I hope after reading it you will see what I am dealing with. -Ann

I fold my letter and put 'read first', fold the other letter with the words 'read second'. I really hope that this works, it's about 1:15 now, he should be here within 45 minutes, I will use that time to play with Dakota. I walk into his bedroom with Gunnar trailing behind me, I freeze. I see him laying on the bed and he is sniffling. I rush to his side to see his little cheeks are tear-soaked. "Why are you crying Kota?" I pick him up, sit him in my lap and wipe his tears away with my thumbs. "I m-miss mom! Why hasn't she come to s-see us Rae?" I'm completely taken aback by this question. How do I explain this to him? Our mother is dead and I'm the only one who knows about it, besides Lincoln, though he doesn't know that I definitely know for sure that she is gone now. "Oh baby." I ruffle his hair a little, holding onto him for dear life. "I don't know why she hasn't came, but I'm sure she is doing okay." I cringe at my words, almost smacking myself in the face for saying that, such a blatant lie. "Does she miss us? Can we go see her?" I began tearing up seeing how upset he is, I don't have the heart to tell him his mom isn't alive anymore. "No baby we can't. I'm sorry. I'm sure she misses us very much." He starts to cry harder, I search my mind for something to say, anything to make him feel better. "Lincoln will be coming over. We can both play with you, how does that sound?" He perks up a little, wiping his eyes. "That sounds fun." A hint of a smile on his sad face. He adores Lincoln. "He should be here soon. You want to show him your new trucks?" He nods excitedly, I'm glad I was able to avoid these questions for now, but I won't be able to avoid them forever. One day he will have to know, one day I will have to tell him. He is growing smarter everyday, I know he will start to wonder why she isn't around. I am not looking forward to that conversation.

(William's POV)
"Why haven't you two done as I asked?" I questioned Tony and Blue, very angrily.

"We ran into a few issues, don't give us crap man. We did the best we could. It will have to wait." Tony says which only aggravates me more. I stare at him, void of any sign of life inside of my dark eyes. I take the gun out from my waistband, shooting him twice in the head, uncaring then I turn the gun to point it at Blue.

"Have anything you want to add to that?" He blinks, unfazed. "No boss. It will get done."

I put my gun back into place. "Good. Now clean this shit up." I wave my hand towards a lifeless Tony laying on the ground, blood pouring from his gun wounds. "Yes boss."

I'm sick of waiting for things to get done. I am a very impatient man. If they don't get this done soon, I will just have to handle it myself. If I have to do that, things will get very messy.

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