45. When it rains, it pours

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(Lincoln's POV)

I couldn't stop worrying about RaeAnna the whole time I was at school. I shouldn't have left her side, I should have fought her tooth and nail to stay with her. I had a horrible feeling that something was awry. I was nervously tapping my foot waiting for this painfully slow day to pass, so I can see her, be with her again to make sure she was alright.

She was already going through enough after the attack mentally and emotionally, to just throw more curses at her seemed like a cruel, sick joke. The doctors should have ran more extensive tests before just sending her straight home with some antibiotics. I know they are meant to help, but it's true when they say doctors don't know everything. Sometimes those huge mistakes can cost somebody their life.

Suddenly the intercom above me said "Lincoln Abbott to the principal's office. Lincoln Abbott." I don't even grab my things. I went straight to the office, there stood my distraught Uncle, saying the two words I've dreaded all day. "It's RaeAnna." He looked as if he had been crying, but was trying to remain calm for my sake.

I sprinted straight outside to his truck, he wasted no time putting it into drive and driving me to the hospital. I kept sending silent prayers to whoever was listening, please let her be okay, please let her be okay.

My uncle didn't speak a word the whole way there and I was too afraid to ask him any questions, so we rode in miserable, excruciating silence.

I walked into the hospital in a trance. We reached Rosie and Dakota. Rosie was in hysterics. When she seen me she pulled me into a bone-crunching hug, sniveling and trembling violently. "Oh link." She sobs out. "What happened? What's wrong with RaeAnna?" I question, not sure if I want to know the answers. "She flatlined twice, she might have brain damage. They found out she has type 1 diabetes. She is in a diabetic coma, they said her bloodsugar read over 1,100. The normal being 70-120. She went into severe ketoacidosis. If she would have got here any later, she wouldn't have survived. Gunnar saved her life." She manages to spew out through the tears falling from her perturbed eyes. I can't hold myself up any longer, I fall to my knees with a shattered heart.

My distraught state quickly turning into anger, anger towards the doctors for not figuring this out sooner. "WHY! This shouldn't have happened. The doctors should have figured this out. Isn't that their job?! This is all their fault!" I yell out to nobody in particular. Nobody says a word for several minutes, the silence becomes deafening.

"Shes stable now." Chester speaks up. The word rings in my head over and over again, brain damage. My best friend might have brain damage. "She has b-been through enough! This isn't fair!" I breathe out, barely audible. "I know." Rosie says carefully. "You can go in and see her if you would like." I don't know if my heart will be able to handle it but I say "okay."

They walk me to her room, giving me some alone time with her. She is connected to machines, the beeping filling my entire being with sorrow. She looks so fragile. This can't be happening, she was just healing from her attack, now she has yet another thing added to her already broken plate, her heartbeat is weak.

I walk up to her slowly, she doesn't look like herself. She's pale, lifeless. I take her hand in mind, it's freezing. "I'd take your place if I could Ann. My beautiful Ann. This shouldnt have happened. None of this should have happened. You have been through hell, now look at you." I brush a stray hair behind her ear, holding my hand to her cold cheek. "Can you hear me sleeping beauty?" I whisper to her, met with only silence. "I love you my bestfriend." I tell her.

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