20. Sanctuary of sin

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(Carine's POV)

I don't know how long I've been trapped down here, in this vile, repulsive basement. It feels like months since I've been able to see the sun, feel the warmth of it, it's freezing down here. I'm not even sure if it's day or night from this dungeon. No light shines through, my body is in such bad shape, I don't even need to see it to know I have bruises covering every inch of it. They torture me every single day. They give me a glass of water to drink, with horrific tasting food to eat, once a day, If you can even call it that. They don't do it to be kind, no they do it to prolong this sick torment that they have afflicted upon me. Every couple of days they force me to take those little white pills, I tried to refuse by keeping my mouth shut, but they just kept hitting me until I obeyed. I eventually gave in, no use in trying to fight when I'm this weak.

Tony pulled off all of my fingernails forcefully, along with all ten toenails. It was one of the most agonizing feelings to have to endure, and you know what the worst part of all of this is? It's not the torture itself, it's the fact that nobody knows I'm here, nobody is looking for me, I'm sure nobody has figured out that I'm even missing. I have nobody to blame but myself, I should have kept into contact with my family, that way they would at least know that something is wrong.

I am just about to faint from pure depletion, when I begin to hear a couple sets of footsteps coming towards me. I'm still terrified, but I don't have the energy to show it, that just makes them more outraged, so they just keep up the torment until they see that flick of fear they are searching for, which sometimes can drag out for hours.

When William sees I'm about to pass out he grabs my hair and pulls me upwards so I can't fall asleep."Ah ah ah. No you don't. You are going to stay awake for this." Tony is behind him setting out tools to begin yet another round of torturous misery. Tony comes to me with a hammer in his hand, I see him look towards William, he nods then it starts. He hits my kneecap so hard I swear I feel it shatter. A tear slips down my cheek, William sees this and comes to lick it off before it can drop any further. He smirks. "I love the taste of your tears, my love." How long will I be able to survive this? My body can't take much more, I feel like the end will come soon. The sooner the better, I now welcome death with open arms.

(RaeAnna's POV)

A day has passed, one more day closer to my mission. The thought of what I have to do consumes every part of me. The big question is if I will be able to do this. Do I have the heart to be able to murder someone, just because I am being threatened to do so? Do I have a choice? What would they do if I refused? Would they actually kill my family if I decided not to do this? The questions I have are never ending. I am back at school today and Lincoln is the only person who has been able to keep me somewhat sane. He stays around as much as he can, we only have two classes together which is upsetting. Lincoln has become my rock, well other than Dakota and Gramma that is. Also he knows what is going on in my life. Well, Sort of. He doesn't know the full extent to what has been going on, but he knows that it is dangerous.

Lunch time rolls around, I'm sitting at my usual table, trying to eat a little something, with Lincoln sitting in his normal spot across from me. "Ann?" Lincoln questions. "You haven't really been acting like yourself lately. It seems like you have something heavy weighing on your mind. Are you feeling okay?"

"To be honest, no I am not feeling okay, but it's nothing to worry that head of yours about. I can handle this." I say to him, trying to sound confident. "Okay, well if you need anything, and I mean anything you let me know and I'll jump right on it. Alright? You know that I am always here for you and I always will be." He knows not to say too much hinting that he knows what is going on, for which I'm thankful for. William even has spies here in my school considering they know what I did to Mary. The thought alone sends shudders through me. "So?" Link says, noticing my discomfort. "I know that your birthday will be coming up in a few weeks." Crap, my birthday. I completely forgot all about it. "Did you want anything special?" He asks. "Oh no link. I couldn't ask you to get me anything. Just having you in my life, having you as my friend is enough. You are all I need." He smirks, like he already has big plans. "Okay. Whatever you say Ann." He winks at me making me chuckle slightly, he is the best friend a girl could ask for.

I turn slightly hearing the voice of my former best friend. She hangs out with Mary religiously. As if feeling my eyes upon them they both turn around to face me. Mary makes an ugly face and Sarah just rolls her eyes, I have had enough of this and I'm going over there to get answers once and for all. I go to stand up to give them a piece of my mind when Lincoln gently grabs my arm to try to stop me. "Where are you going?" I give him a slight grin, signaling that I'll be fine. "I'll be right back."

I walk towards the both of them when I see a flash of fear in both of their eyes. "What the heck is wrong with the two of you? Stop giving me dirty looks and you" I say pointing my finger at Sarah, she flinches and that only fuels the anger that I feel towards her. "I thought you were my friend. I can't believe you would ditch me for.. For that." I tell her waving my hand in Mary's direction. Sarah takes in a shallow breath and begins to speak. "I c-can't be friends with a psychopath like y-you. You put Mary into the h-hospital." She stutters, nervously. Her voice cracking showing her fear of me. I scoff. "She came at me first, if she can't dish out what she throws then maybe she should back off. And, you can't be friends with me but you will be friends with the school bully? You sure know how to pick them don't you?" The smile on my face, just as phony as Sarah is. She looks a bit pained by my words, good. I'm just getting started.

"I can't believe I thought you were ever actually my friend, how stupid of me to think you actually gave a crap about me. I only have one friend now and he is a better person than you will ever be. He didn't abandon me like you did, he stayed by my side. That's what real friends do, you are so fake Sarah it isn't even funny. Now I have to get back to my real friend, The one who actually cares about me. I'll let you two lovely ladies get back to the conversation you were having before I interrupted you. I said what I came to say, don't go crying and don't come crawling back to me when she stab you straight in the back. She does it to everyone eventually. Have a great day you two." I finish my rant, getting everything off of my chest, turning away nonchalantly. The look on Sarah's face was priceless, while Mary just stood there in a state of shock. I'm tired of being the girl who everyone thinks they can push around, I'm stronger than that.

I go back to sit with Lincoln, he has a look of disbelief on his face, not believing what I just did. The disbelief soon turns into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god, Ann. I can't believe you just said that to them. That was amazing." He gives me a high five, his laughter dying down slightly. "I am so proud of you." The look of respect for me visible in his beautiful eyes. "I'm proud of me to and I meant what I said, when I said that you were the only real friend that I had. I'm so lucky to have you." He puts a hand over his heart, playfully. "You have just made my year 100 times better, but I am the lucky one to have you in my life." I smile and stand up to give him a loving hug. "I hope I never lose you, link." He hugs me back. "You never will. I promise you that. We are friends for life." He taps my nose making me laugh loudly. He means the world to me, when only a little while ago I was worried to death about my mission he can make me forget it almost completely, almost. I can only hope that if he knew the extent of what I was going through, what I was being forced to do that he would still stay by my side. I have a strong feeling that he definitely would, no matter what I do, he will always be here.

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