18. Life in a cage

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(Carine's POV)

Where am I? I can't recall what happened to me. My body is so sore, my face hurts. The room I'm in feels so gloomy, I can't see a thing, it's much too dark. The smell is atrocious, like a thousand deceased bodies are laying around me, surrounding me. The air is thick, it's hard to take in a full breath. I try to move, I can't. It seems as if I'm tied down. All I remember is falling in and out of consciousness for what feels like weeks now. I try to yell, but nothing comes out. I'm much too frail to get my vocal cords running. My skin feels like it has been set on fire, the pain I'm feeling is agonizing.

I'm sitting in a trance, trying to remember how I got here, when a powerful bright light turns on in front of me, blinding me. I can't see anything other than the menacing glow ahead of me. Then I hear a voice I remember all too well. "Hello Carine. Oh how I've missed you, missed this."

"W-William." My voice is barely above a whisper. He steps in front of me, I begin trembling from fear alone, fear of the unknown, of not knowing what is going to happen next. "Did you miss me darling?" He has a sharp knife, tracing it slowly down my cheek, not piercing the skin, the cold steel sending shivers down my spine, then it intrudes my skin, he slashes harshly, causing me to flinch stringently. I feel the blood gushing down my face, going towards my lips, the taste similar to metal, making me want to hurl. I gag involuntarily, he let's out a sinister cackle, sounding like a man possessed, a man who has been consumed by the darkness. "I love the fear in your eyes. It let's me know I am doing my job correctly. I want to have some fun with you. Well, it will be fun for me anyways, probably not so much for you." His forced wink making him look like some kind of demonic robot.

"Now, the type of fun I have in mind involves your sweet, delicious blood and a lot of it. Are you terrified yet, my darling? Well, you should be. You were always my favorite toy to play with. I can't wait to see what your insides look like." He comes close bringing his face to mine, licking the blood off of my cheek. "Mmm, delectable." He says while licking his lips. I'm absolutely petrified, I can't stop shaking, what is he planning to do to me? "P-please s-stop." I try to say, without sounding scared, the brokenness in my voice betraying me.

"Sorry no can do." That's when I hear another set of footsteps coming towards us, I see his face, the man who has spent months trying to earn my trust, losing it all within a matter of seconds. "T-tony?"

"Yes, it's me sweet cheeks. Feeling pretty stupid now huh? You shouldn't trust so easily. It can get you into trouble. Deep. Deep. Trouble." He comes closer, with a pair of pliers in his large hand. "Aren't you glad you decided not to paint your fingernails? Would have been a waste of time considering" He looks at the invisible watch on his wrist, tapping it with his index finger. "that you won't have any more in about, oh 10 minutes." William and Tony begin laughing hysterically like this is the best comedy movie they have ever seen. They both begin to circle around me, eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat that they can can't wait to devour.

(RaeAnna's POV)

When I woke up this morning I was thinking about my mom for some reason. Why am I thinking about her? She doesn't care about us, but still something doesn't feel right, for reasons unknown to me. I just brush it off, not wanting to dwell on a woman who probably hasn't spared a second to wonder about us and our wellbeing. It's Saturday today, Lincoln will be coming over in a few hours. We have gotten very close. He is now my best friend, my only friend, since Sarah decided to abandon me for people who hate me. Why I ever believed she was actually my friend I will never know, but I'm glad to have met Lincoln. He also loves to play games with Dakota which I think is utterly adorable, they get along great. Also, I could use a distraction from thinking about my next mission. What will they have me do next? I'm not ready to find out. It's for my family, I keep telling myself, over and over again. Maybe if I keep saying it the guilt of what they could and will have me do won't eat me alive.

I can't wait for Lincoln to come over so I can stop thinking about this, he knows what is going on, but never tries to bring it up or even tries to hint at it. He usually tries to make me laugh as much as he can when it starts to look like I'm in too deep inside of my thoughts.

I still don't feel the greatest healthwise, I'm still tired, can't eat much, but I have a bit more energy to do things other than sleep now. "RaeAnna do you want sandwiches or burritos for lunch?" Gramma Rosie asks. "Um..burritos sound good to me."

"You got it kiddo. Burritos it is. Kota you want a burrito?" "Yeah gramma." He replies.

I love this woman so much. She does everything she can do to make sure Dakota and I are as happy as we can be. Considering what our lives have been like, I need to do something special for her to show her my appreciation for everything she has done. Maybe Lincoln can help me with a few ideas when he gets here. I can't wait to see my best friend, we have become inseparable. I can't imagine life without him now that I have him here, I hope I never lose him. He has become such a big part of my life. He shows me everyday how much I mean to him. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a friend like Lincoln, but whatever I did I'm glad I did it.

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