25. Inevitable

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(RaeAnna's POV)

Gunnar fits in perfectly with our little family, he seems to understand that there is something the matter with me. He doesn't want to leave my side, even for a second, following me around everywhere, he is so calm, just what I needed. I don't think I would be able to handle a hyper puppy right now, I would still love the dog of course, but it would be too much to keep up with along with everything else I am currently dealing with. The only thing that sucks is I miss him dearly while I'm away at school, but I'm glad to have Lincoln there to distract me.

Lately I have been having this nagging feeling like something is really, really wrong, call it a gut instinct or intuition, I can feel it down to the depths of my very being. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is, it's always just there looming over me. I've been feeling apprehensive all day, what's wrong? "What is going on in that head of yours?" Lincoln asks me. "I don't know link, something bad is going to happen or maybe something bad has already happened. I'm having this gut feeling, something is wrong." I respond back as quietly as possible. He gets a worried look in his eyes. "I believe you." He then begins to look around nervously. "I feel it to."

On our way home from school my grandma tells me something that sends quivers through me. "Someone dropped off a box for you at the house today. I was going to open it, but I figured it was a belated birthday gift or something so I just left it in your room." She shrugs. Oh no, that confirms what I've been feeling all day long, what is it now?

I start trembling, I'm terrified of boxes being sent to me now, she could have easily opened it. We make it home, I waste no time going to my room. I lean against the closed-door to catch my breath. Gunnar wakes up from sleeping in my bed, there right next to him lies the box of doom. I slowly approach it, it isn't wrapped like the other ones were, I grab some scissors to cut the tape off, I open it and what I see next will be the product of my nightmares for years to come.

In the box is a severed hand, with a ring I could never forget, will never be able to forget after this, my mother's wedding ring. Tears flow down my face, I can't stop them. They have her, is she still alive or did they kill her? What have they done to my mom? I know we weren't exactly on the best terms, but I would never ever wish anything like this upon her. No matter the mistakes she has made, no matter what she did or didn't do, she was still my mom and now I didn't even know if she was dead or alive, I don't know how much more my heart can take. There is only one person that I can tell, Lincoln. Did they find out that I told him? Is that why they did this? No they couldn't have. They would have taken Dakota, wouldn't they? I have to get rid of this as soon as possible. I can't risk anyone else being hurt, I carefully pull the ring off of her finger, so I can keep it, who knows? This might be the only thing I have to remember her by, flinching tensely when I touch her cold severed hand, the tears are flowing continuously, I feel sick to my stomach. Gunnar feels my sadness and begins whining, licking me and trying to comfort me. "I love you b-buddy." I tell him through the unstoppable shedding of my tears.

How am I going to face my grandma? How am I going to face Dakota? How much do I have to go through before I finally snap?

(William's POV)

"Did you send her the box?" I question blue. "Yes sir. The box was sent out to her this afternoon." I smirk. "Good. Now she will see just how serious we truly are."

I grew tired of having Carine in the basement, she was becoming too weak and she didn't show the fear that I craved anymore, she had to die. We cut her hand off and disposed of the rest of her body. I hope RaeAnna sees how somber we are after this, I hope it haunts her for the rest of her life.

"You know what you need to do now, don't you?" I inquire. "Yes boss. I know what to do."

This is far from over, I hope that little brat knows that. As long as I am alive, as long as I am still breathing and kicking, this will never be over. No, the plans I have for her have only just begun, I will never grow bored of this, the suffering of others will always excite me and bring radiance into my life. "Get started on it then. I only want good news, understand?" I say to blue. "Yes sir, understood." He responds. I can't wait for this shit show to unfold before my eyes.

(Lincoln's POV)

RaeAnna has been being very distant today. I wonder what happened, I need to find out. She is there, but it feels like the lights have been shut down, I can tell she has been crying all night. I wonder if her grandma noticed her distress, she looks extremely and utterly exhausted. Did she sleep at all? What happened to her?

"Hey Ann, what's wrong? Please tell me." I plead. She looks up from the cafeteria table with a faraway look in her eyes. She looks like she is about to start crying or screaming, I can't tell which one. She pulls out a napkin, a pen and begins to write something down. She folds it and passes it underneath the table discreetly. I grab it and I'm about to read it when she holds up a hand to stop me. "B-bathroom." She stutters out. I nod and make my way towards the restroom to read it. I go into the stall and pull it out of my jacket pocket. The breath stops dead in my throat.

letter- they have my mom. I don't know if she is dead or alive. Rip up this napkin and flush it down the toilet

I want to scream for her, these monsters have no souls. I do as she says, I rip the napkin into tiny shreds and flush it. I head out of the stall and go to the mirror, I hold on to the sink for balance, my eyes are red rimmed, jaw clenched, they have to pay, is my only thought.

I head out of the bathroom and go straight towards her. I gently place my hand on her shoulder, she jumps slightly, relief clear on her face when she turns around to see that it is just me. I pull her up into a loving embrace. I don't say anything, I just hold her, there is nothing to say, nothing I can say to make her feel better in this moment. I just want her to know that I am here for her. She is shaking, I rub her back to soothe her in the best way I know how to right now.

A couple of girls walk up behind RaeAnna, snickering like this is the most hilarious sight they have ever seen. "So are you two like dating now or something? Poor you, I heard that she's a psycho." She says to me. RaeAnna tenses in my arms. "Don't worry. I'll handle it." I whisper in her ear knowing she could fly off of her hinges at any moment. "So what if we are? Jealous because you two have nobody except for yourselves? Picking on people isn't funny, it's childish. If you two ever come near RaeAnna ever again, if you even breath near her or even think about her you will regret it so run along before your lives become a living hell." The girls look to be in shock, they don't say anything, they just roll their eyes and walk away, they better, Nobody messes with my best friend. "Thank you link." She tells me with clear appreciation. "No need. Friends always have each others backs." I keep hugging her, not daring to let go, knowing she needs me. I will fix this. I know now exactly what I have to do.

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