40. Retribution

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(RaeAnna's POV)

The police tried everything they could to get me to talk, but I wouldn't budge. My grandma kept telling them that I didn't know who attacked me, I think deep down she had some ideas on who it was. She never said them out loud though. When the police and detectives started getting more pushy with their questioning it made my grandma angry, she said and I quote "How dare you try to force a child to talk after the traumatic things she has been through! I think that's enough for today!" They quickly apologized, saying they would come back a different day, then they left not wanting to face her fury, which I was very relieved about.

While I was laying in my uncomfortable hospital bed, I heard a knock at the door. My head jumped to the side, a small smile playing on my lips. "Hi sissy." She comes to my side holding my good hand. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be here sooner. I was out of town with my dad." I shrug my shoulder at her. "It's fine." I say quietly. Lincoln sits to the side, watching TV, letting us conversate.

We sit and talk for an hour, well she did most of the talking while I just listened, then it was time for her to leave. "I'll come back tomorrow yeah?" Carrie says. I shake my head no at her, she looks upset by that. "You don't have to. You have a life, so go live it." She gives me a gentle hug and leaves. I definitely feel like our relationship has become strained, we are slowly drifting apart. I know she cares, but I don't think she wants any drama filling her great 'drama-free' life she has going on. Oh well, I have my grandma, Dakota, Felix, Chester and my best friend Lincoln, they are all I need.

School will be starting back up in a few days, Lincoln looked devastated, telling me he would take off until I can be discharged. I assured him I would be fine, his expression telling me he was worried sick. I told him I would be out of here in no time. He agreed, very reluctantly I might add. His 13th birthday is tomorrow and I feel terrible that he will have to spend his special day here in this stupid hospital.

"Ann look at me." I meet Lincoln's piercing blue eyes. "I want to be here with you okay? My birthday wouldn't be a birthday without you. I wouldn't even want to imagine celebrating it without you there, I wont. If I did that, something would be missing, I wouldn't feel complete without my best friend by my side." This has my little grin turning into a full-blown smile, he always says the right things. He kisses my forehead. "Don't try to talk me out of it again." He tells me with his signature smirk that I love so much. I sigh, jokingly with a playful eye roll. "Okay Link. You win."

The day Lincoln has to go back to school has arrived. I know I told him to go, but I can't help but to feel like half of my heart went with him. I know I will see him again, it still sucks though. He has been in this hospital with me since the beginning, with him gone I feel empty. I never talked to the police, I just can't and I wont. They can't help me anyways.

Chester hasn't been here as much as he was before, maybe an hour here and there. I wonder what he has been up to lately, just like that my imagination must have manifested him, he walks into the room to relieve my grandma of the hospital for a few hours. Her and Dakota leave. Dakota will be starting school tomorrow. Once they are out of the room he goes to close the door before he begins to speak. "I just talked to the doctor. He said you should be able to be discharged within nine days, depending on the pain you are in."

I sigh, annoyed. "9 days! That's like forever away!" He chuckles halfheartedly. "I know, but look at it this way, at least it isn't 9 weeks or 9 months." This puts me into a new perspective. "Yeah that's true."

He has a look filled with determination, and maybe a little bit of triumph. "When you get out of here, I have something I need you and Lincoln to do for me."

My expression giving away my confusion. "Just trust me." He pleads. "I trust you." I respond.

The days spent here pass by painfully slow. Lincoln and Felix come by every day after school is out to visit me. It gives me something to look forward to at least. After all of the crap that I have been put through, I deserve to have that much.

Shackles on the heart (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now