38. Ostracism

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(RaeAnna's POV)

The surgery on my arm went as well as to be expected. It's currently in a cast. The doctor told me it should heal properly in 10 weeks or so, but full recovery could take even longer.

I haven't spoken to anybody since I've been here. The police want to question me, but I just don't feel like talking. I've been here in the hospital for 3 days already and I haven't said a single word, I hate this place.

Lincoln tries to get me to talk, but he doesn't push it. He hasn't left my side even for a second. My grandma and Chester both take turns staying here with me as well. I hope I don't have to be here for much longer.

My grandma wants me to see a 'child therapist' or go to 'group therapy' with other kids who have been through what I have been through, but I just don't see how that will help my situation. I am dead set on never doing anything like that. Even if I were to go I wouldn't talk, so I see no point in entertaining the idea.

Chester told me privately that William wasn't there that day when they rescued me from that hellhole. Apparently he did a whole background check on him and found all the information possible. My grandma kept asking Chester how he found me, so he gave her some believable answer to get her off his back. I'm glad I can trust Lincoln and his uncle. They haven't breathed a word to anyone about knowing anything, but I can tell they want to.

When I found out William was still alive it broke my spirit even more, I had hoped that he was dead, guess I am not that lucky.

Felix even came by a few times to visit me, he looked so hurt by the way I looked. That's how I wished my own father would feel. Who am I kidding? William has no feelings, except for wicked ones. He is the cause of all of this pain I am going through, emotionally and mentally more than physically, which is saying a lot because the pain I'm feeling throughout my body definitely hurts. My whole body is throbbing, my vision is a bit blurred, and I have major migraine headaches every single day.

Lost deep in my thoughts I didn't even notice my grandma walking into the room. I lift my head slightly. "How are you feeling sunshine?" I just shrug my shoulders, lowering my eyes from hers. "Baby the police want to question you later today or sometime early tomorrow. Will you please talk with them?" I raise my eyebrows then look completely away from her. I don't feel like talking. Doesn't she understand?

She sighs sadly. "You hungry?" She asks. I shake my head no at her. "You have to eat a little something to speed up the healing process. Please, for me?" She pleads. I just shrug my shoulders again, then she leaves the room which I'm assuming to get some food for me.

Lincoln is sleeping soundly on the pull-out couch next to my bed. He looks so peaceful while he sleeps. As if he can feel my eyes on him he begins to stir a little until he opens his eyes where they instantly lock onto mine. "Hi sleeping beauty. Watching me sleep are you?" He questions jokingly, with a little smirk on his face. I crack a small smile, he stretches then he gets up from the couch to come sit on the bed beside me.

"You want to watch some TV or something? It's too quiet in here." He asks me, I nod my head at him. He grabs the remote to turn on the TV. The first thing that comes on is the news, it's about me. "Latest news, 12 year old RaeAnna Sallow was-" He quickly turns the channel with a look of grimace on his face. "Sorry Ann. Let me find something else." He flips through the channels some until I see one of mine and Dakota's favorite movies. He is about to change it again when I grab onto his shoulder with my good arm. "You want to watch The Polar Express?" I nod. "Okay let's watch it."

Dakota and I would always watch this movie. It made us feel happy, transformed us into a better place when things were tough, escaping our disturbing reality, even just for an hour and 40 minutes we always enjoyed our little getaway.

A couple hours passed, I must have fallen asleep. I notice that Lincoln is not here anymore. Chester comes to my side. "Let's get a little bit of food in you okay?" He brings the tray to me, opening the lid and puts a few bites of mashed potatoes in my mouth. I have to force myself to swallow. He feeds me a few more bites, helping me drink some water. "Okay that should be good enough for now. Your Grandma will be back in a few hours. She had to go and check on Gunnar. You feeling okay?" I just nod slightly. "Lincoln went to get some food. I'm just going to go get some coffee. Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes?" I stare at him unmindfully for a couple of seconds, eventually lifting my good arm to give him a small thumbs-up. "I'll be right back."

I turn back to the television, watching something about cars, when I begin to hear high heels clicking against the linoleum floors coming into my room, figuring it's just a nurse I don't pay any attention. That is until I hear her speak, her voice increasing my heart rate instantly, out of fear yes, but also out of anger. "I told you I am never far behind princess." The one and only Audrey. "Listen to me and listen to me good. I don't give a crap what they did to you. You are not under any circumstances to talk to the police, they don't give a shit about you. Nobody does."

She walks closer reaching her hand out, causing me to flinch, she grabs my chin roughly with her calloused hands. "We. Are. Always. Watching. You." Then she turns out and struts away like she is the best thing that has ever walked this Earth. I cry out of rage, the fire that was burning within me igniting to its full height, I've had enough of them.

30 seconds later Lincoln happens to walk in, taking in my state he quickly comes to my side holding my good hand. "Ann what happened?" He gently strokes my cheek, like he's afraid if he presses too hard I will break. I finally speak for the first time in days. "Y-your mom. Audrey. S-she-" I croak out, that is all I can muster out of my mouth.

He looks out to the hallway visibly irritated then turns back to me. "Dammit! She was in here with you?" I nod. "Where the hell did my uncle go? Why did he leave you by yourself?"

Then chester walks in with his coffee, looking confused. Lincoln stalks over to him, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the hallway, making sure to stay close by.

(Lincoln's POV)

I look up to my uncle with a deadly stare, making sure to talk quietly. "Why would you leave her by herself?!" He holds out his coffee. "I just got some coffee. I was only gone for about 6 minutes. What happened?" I become more frustrated. "Audrey was inside of her room. RaeAnna was alone with that witch!"

"She was here?" He looks angry, I nod. "Yes and you left Ann alone. How dare you!"

"How was she able to just walk in?" He asks. "Heck if I know, but I'm never leaving her room again if I can't trust you to keep an eye on her for 10 minutes while I ate something. We have to do something. Fix this!"

I turn to walk back into her room where she still looks distraught. "I'm sorry Ann. I'm so sorry. I'll never leave this room again." A few stray tears fall from her beautiful eyes, I'm quick to softly wipe them away. I gently and carefully put my forehead on hers. "We will fix this. I will make this right."

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