21. Count down

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(RaeAnna's POV)

The day i've been dreading has finally arrived. The nerves were twisting my stomach into knots, causing painful cramps to shoot through me. My appetite had become completely shot, I couldn't eat even if I wanted to. I have decided to go through with this horrible mission, knowing the type of individual William was, evil manipulative, sadistic, I know they would hurt, or dare I say it kill my family. They don't know what is going on, they are innocent victims of this whole situation and I knew I had to be their safeguards, I couldn't let them die because I decided not to go through with this, no. I had to do it, as horrible of a person I'd become after completing this, I'd rather be that than the reason my family got hurt. I would not be the reason that they would go to an early grave. Even though I was also a victim, I have the power to stop it, have the power to save my family's lives if I just simply complied. Well, simple isn't really the word, nothing about this is simple.

"RaeAnna sweetie, it's time to go." My grandma tells me from the other side of the door. I can't go to school today, can I? On one hand I really want to see Lincoln, but on the other hand, can I really handle being around all those people today? Will it raise suspicions if I don't go? I get lost in my mind for several minutes, overthinking until my grandma's voice breaks me from my thoughts. "RaeAnna, are you awake in there?" I have to make a quick decision. "Yes I'm up. Just let me get dressed and I'll be out." I say. "Okay just hurry up or you will be late." The need to see my bestfriend overpowers the not wanting to go to school.

He always knows how to make me feel better, perhaps he can take my mind off of the horrible place that is my mind. If I stay at home all day, the only thing I will think about is my mission. Seeing him will put my mind in a more positive setting, as positive as it can be anyways.

I get dressed as quickly as I can, then I head to the living room, so we can head off to school. Once we arrive I scan the area looking for Lincoln, I finally spot him about to walk into the school. I take off towards him as fast as my legs will take me, almost knocking him over with the power of my hug. "Jeez Ann, that's one strong grip you got there." He tells me. I can hear the smile behind his voice. "Sorry, I just missed you so much. Honestly I wasn't planning to even come to school today, but I really needed to see you. You always know how to make me feel better and I could really use some cheering up right about now." He leans back a little to search my eyes, his smile is angelic. "Well, I'm glad to know I'm the first thing you think of when you need help to feel better. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine and ofcourse we are bestfriends, I just wish we had more classes together, like all of them." I say, sadly. "Hey, don't forget lunch, but I know what you mean. We should get going though. I'll see you in math okay?" He gives me a small, sweet kiss on my forehead, making me blush. "I..yeah okay. I'll see you then."

Math class finally comes, it feels like it took hours for science to be over. I go to sit down, not taking my eyes off of the door waiting for him to walk in. He comes inside and meets my eyes spontaneously. He sees an empty seat beside me and makes his way over before anyone can take the spot. "Hi bestfriend." He tells me with a playful wink. "Hi link. You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

"That makes two of us." We pay attention somewhat, passing funny notes back and forth, barely dodging getting caught by the teacher. One of his notes makes me laugh out loud, causing the teacher to give me a suspicious look with his eyebrows raised, which only makes me laugh harder, which in turn causes Lincoln to start giggling as well. "What are you two laughing at?" The teacher asks. "Nothing. S-sorry sir." Lincoln replies, trying to keep his laughter under control.

After the school day is over, Lincoln asks if he can come over for a few hours which I gladly accepted, anything for a distraction. My grandma picks Dakota, Lincoln and I up to go to our house. Dakota goes to take a bath while Lincoln and I go to my room, he jumps onto my bed, lays back to relax causing me to snicker at him. "Getting comfy on my bed, huh?"

"Yeah why not?" He moves around on my pillow to get situated, I start to hear a crinkling noise coming from the pillow. Crap! I forgot that I hid the letter in there. I hope he doesn't notice. How does he always somehow manage to find my hiding spots?

He looks at me curiously. "What's this?" I give him a look full of fear, shaking my head back and forth, on the verge of tears, mouthing no to him, hoping he gets the message. He seems to understand, he nods then gets up to come give me a sweet, loving hug, whispering very quietly in my ear. "It's them isn't it?" I begin sobbing quietly, shaking my head up and down to let him know he is right. "Shh.. it's okay Ann. It's okay. I know. I'm here for you. Cry it out." This only makes the tears fall quicker. He holds me tighter, as if letting me know he will always be here for me, no matter what. He doesn't seem to care that his t-shirt is soaked from my sobbing. I need to tell someone, I have to. This is too much for me to keep a secret any longer. I don't know how, but I need to get this out of my system. I have to put together a plan if I want to tell him, I can't let them know, I can't seem suspicious of anything. I got away with it once, perhaps I can do it again. I have to think this through carefully, I have made up my mind. I am going to tell lincoln what is happening in my so called "life" He deserves to know, I trust him.

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