Chapter 13

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The next day, morning
Nicole's bedroom

Brown eyes slowly opened then squinted from the bright light outside the window. Nicole felt cold. The redhead's hand reached out to the other side of her bed, expecting the warm soft body from Waverly. But instead, cold empty sheets greeted her. Nicole opened her eyes wider and realized she was all alone in her bedroom.

She straightened up and glanced around her. Her worn shirt from last night still sprawled on the floor, concluding she wasn't dreaming. But why had Waverly left?

Shit. Waverly, Nicole thought. Last night really happened. Millions of thoughts sprang into the redhead's mind, most of them were bad ones.

What are they now? Why did Waverly leave? Was it just a one night casual thing friends do? Are they still friends after this? What if it was her fault, believing that Waverly was just at her vulnerable state, sad about her dead father, and Nicole took advantage of it?

Nicole couldn't help shake off the feeling that everything would change from this day on.

The redhead quickly got off the bed and put on a sweater. It was snowing again outside, although the street was only partially covered, meaning the snow had only started falling.

Nicole quietly went outside her bedroom. The living room was dark and empty. So, she tiptoed towards Waverly's bedroom and gently knocked.

There was no response so Nicole knocked again. For the third time, Nicole decided to grab the knob and push open the door. But, it was locked.

Then she called out, "Waves?" No answer. Maybe she was still asleep, Nicole thought.

When the redhead went back to her bedroom, she went through her phone and checked if she needed to go to work. Rosita had already texted her that she'd be taking the day off so Nicole had to cover for her. Nicole begrudgingly headed off to take a shower. Then she noticed a message she never recalled opening.

It was just sent this morning, so she'd probably be asleep or sleepwalking.

Aster: I enjoyed talking to you last night. :)

Aster. Shit. How could she forget? Wait. Maybe. Just maybe. Waverly had read this message and mistook it as something, Nicole worried.

If Nicole had been honest from the start, Waverly would've thought it was just a simple text, and nothing more than that.

Same day, late afternoon
Arcadia, Edmonton mall

Nicole was stationed today at the booth, serving game tokens to customers. There were a lot of customers on Sundays. The redhead was amazed on how Rosita had managed to handle the challenge. Well, to be fair, she wasn't as strong and as flexible as Rosita.

At least the busy work helped her mind off from things. From Waverly.

Nicole tried to call Waverly during lunchbreak, but the brunette wasn't responding to any. She wondered if Waverly really was in her most vulnerable state, and Nicole abused it. She abused her. No different than Champ. Actually, she was worse.

When she had her dinner break, Nicole took out her phone and decided to text Rosita. She had to talk to somebody. It was driving her insane.

Nicole: Rosie... can we talk?

After a few minutes, Rosita replied.

Rosita: Is this about Hetty? I already told her I placed the cash box into her safe.

Nicole: No, it's not about Hetty.. It's about Waverly.

It only took three seconds when Nicole's phone started to ring. After a moment of hesitation, Nicole answered the call.

"Did something happened between you two last night?" Rosita immediately asked.

Nicole stuttered. "Rosie... it's complicated..."

"Oh shit, something did happen. I saw you two had been eye fucking each other during the party, Nic."

"Shut it, Rosie. It's not like that-"

"Then how do you explain that? A one night stand?"

"She... she was...," Nicole hesitated about telling the truth. Well, maybe it was just a one night stand. "She was sad... And I thought.... I thought she really wanted it..." The redhead suddenly broke into tears. "I took advantage of her, Rosie. I... should be the responsible one because I'm the older one...shit.. what would Wynonna say about this-"

"Ssshhh! Calm down, Nicole. I'm sure there's a perfect reason why Waverly consented okay? She wasn't that drunk so she's wise to make her own decisions. And she decided to sleep with you... and that's not your fault, Nic."

"I know, but-"

"You two need to talk-"

"She doesn't even want to talk to me, Rosie.. she's been avoiding me."

"Give her time.. she's probably as lost and overwhelmed as you are now."

Same day, night
Wynonna's apartment

Nicole had finally calmed down when her shift ended. But that didn't mean that the walk towards home wasn't filled with anxiety. She worried if she had lost Waverly as a friend because of what they did. She worried if the brunette felt like Nicole wasn't different from the bad guys she dated.

As she entered the apartment, Nicole saw a light from the kitchen and wandered off there. Waverly was waiting for the kettle to boil from the stove.

"Waves," Nicole said. The brunette slowly looked at her with empty sad eyes. Nicole was suddenly splashed with guilt. "I need to talk to you."

"I also need to talk to you, too," Waverly said, turning back her attention at the kettle. "I'm making tea, do you want one?"

Nicole froze. "No, thanks, tea's not really my thing.." This made the brunette smile.

"About last night," Waverly said, now looking at the redhead. "Before you say anything else, I just want to tell you I'm very very sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. Clearly, we were both still under the influence of alcohol in our system. I mean, I was a little intoxicated, not gonna lie. And my judgment was clouded. And also about my father. And everything happened so fast, I didn't know what came into me.... I'm... I'm sorry... Last night shouldn't have happened. And I hoped it won't affect our friendship, Nicole. I promise it won't happen again."

If it was even possible, Nicole felt her heart broke into million pieces. "So, it didn't mean anything what we did last night?"

Waverly was near to tears and it hurt seeing her like that. "I don't know, Nicole. I don't know. I just... I just don't wanna lose you as a friend, okay?"

Friend. That was all Nicole was to the brunette. Only a friend.

"Okay. Whatever you say, Waverly," Nicole said, trying to maintain her best appearance. She didn't want to break down and cry in front of the brunette.

"What were you supposed to talk to me about?"

Nicole licked her lips, her eyes suddenly watery. "Nothing. I... just the same, too. I don't wanna lose you, Waverly. And I'm sorry if I acted so out of line last night... I'm sorry I took advantage of your vulnerability. I should be the matured one because for fuck's sake, I am the older one..... And I swear to you... it won't happen again."

Waverly was biting her lower lip, her arms crossed on her chest, staring at Nicole like she was hesitating to tell the redhead more.

And then the kittle hissed, bringing the two back to their senses.

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