Chapter 28

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Minutes later
Wynonna's apartment

"God, I missed you... so much," Waverly breathed out as she kissed Nicole. The brunette was straddling the redhead on the couch, warm bodies pressed against each other, tasting and reliving what has been left behind.

"I miss you more, Waves." Nicole must have nipped Waverly's lower lip as they kissed, earning a soft moan from the brunette that echoed in the entire apartment.

Hands were roaming around the brunette's petite frame, hands were clutching the redhead's head, and delicate fingers running through red hair. Tongues fought for dominance as the kiss deepened and had now gone more aggressive.

Nicole felt Waverly rolling her hips against her thighs, sending a jolt of desire towards her center as they craved for each other.


Nicole and Waverly might have surpassed the abilities of the superhero Flash because they seemed to have jumped apart in just a matter of seconds. Wynonna was still locking the door when the redhead raked her hand through her own messed up hair and the brunette buttoned up her own pajama blouse.

"Wynonna," Waverly squealed, suddenly moving around the kitchen counter. "What are you doing here?"

Wynonna glared at the two of them like they had committed a crime, or Nicole just looked too guilty.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit my own sister who just got back from Greece?" The taller brunette exclaimed, putting her coat by the coat rack. "Come on, even Haughtstuff here is probably tired of hearing all about your Greek escapade.. What did you get me from Europe?"

The redhead calmed down when she realized they weren't caught in the act. Air suddenly filled her lungs and she was finally able to breathe.

Nicole then said, "Well, I'll leave you two now to catch up.... I'll be in my room.."

Wynonna looked at Nicole rather suspiciously but let her through. Nicole only smiled at Waverly and she saw something from the shorter brunette's eyes when she smiled back. It made Nicole's heart flutter.

Minutes later
Nicole's bedroom

Nicole prepared herself to sleep when she heard a soft knock against her door. She hurriedly opened it and Waverly instantly waltzed forward into her room and closed the door. Grabbing the redhead by the neck, Waverly kissed Nicole hungrily. They continued what had been interrupted minutes ago.

Their tongues played against each other as Nicole pinned Waverly against the wall beside the door. Then as if unwilling and hesitantly, Waverly pulled back.

"Wynonna's staying...," Waverly panted, their foreheads resting against each other as they tried to catch their own breath.

"Okay," Nicole replied, swallowing a lump in her throat. She licked her lips nervously as she stared at Waverly's piercing hazel eyes.

"So..," Waverly went on. She kissed Nicole's lips again. "I can't." Kiss. "Stay here." Another kiss. "With you tonight."

The redhead then realized what Waverly was talking about and she slowly nodded. "I can.. I can wait." She smirked as she kissed Waverly again.

"It's just... I miss you and all-"

"Hey, it's okay, Waves. I miss you too, but for you, I can wait." The brunette smiled at her, the skin creasing around her eyes.

Blind Date Gone Wrong (WayHaught Fanfic) - EDITED VERSION AVAILABLE ON BEEBLY PHWhere stories live. Discover now