Chapter 18

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The next night
Guest bedroom, Earp Homestead

Nicole stared at the unfamiliar wooden ceiling before her as she lay on her bed. The trip to Purgatory didn't take a long time. It was her second visit to the town. The first being a memorable worst event in the redhead's life.

The redhead finally got to meet the sisters' Aunt Gus and Uncle Curtis, thanking them for welcoming her for the holidays. She was really used to spending Christmas and New Year's Eve alone, but a little company wouldn't hurt. The old pair were really hospitable. It would be a nice change for once.

Nicole and Waverly still hadn't talked to each other after last Sunday night's conversation. She didn't really mind. She had accepted the fact that Waverly would not do anything to act on her feelings. Besides, Perry's also visiting the brunette in Purgatory. And most importantly, Nicole promised Aster that she would behave for the latter's sake.

After texting Aster that they have already arrived in Purgatory, Nicole gave in to sleep.

The next day
Dining room, Earp Homestead

"How was your sleep, dear?" Gus asked the following morning. The wooden rectangular table was filled with an inordinate amount of food - sunny side eggs, fried bacon, salad, apple pie, and a lot of other things Nicole did not know of.

Nicole smiled at the woman and replied, "It was good, actually. I didn't have trouble sleeping, which I usually do in a stranger's house. Thank you again for letting me stay during the holidays."

"Oh, this young lady. Of course, any friend of these two is a friend of mine and Curtis," Gus replied. Curtis smiled as he devoured a big slice of pie into his mouth.

The redhead glanced at Waverly who was seated in front of her and she caught her staring back. Waverly quickly looked down on her plate that was filled with salad and carrots.

"Oh, this is so fun, Haughtpants, we're going to Shorty's later tonight, and I'm not taking no for an answer," Wynonna said, then looking at Waverly. "And you too, babygirl."

The shorter brunette scoffed then complained about having a video call with Perry, which led to Gus asking who Perry was. And Nicole really pretended she was interested with the entire conversation but she had already learned how to silence everything that would pass through her eardrums. Which was why when Curtis asked Nicole if she too has a boyfriend, the redhead didn't notice.

"What?" Nicole absentmindedly asked.

Wynonna laughed beside her. "Nicole's dating a hot chick, Uncle Curtis. You should have seen her... Haughtdamn here has good taste."

"Wynonna, language," Gus said, but smiling just the same. Curtis apologized for his assumption. And Nicole and Waverly's gaze met for the second time.

Minutes later
Kitchen, Earp Homestead

"Dear, dear, it's really not necessary, you should go enjoy your vacation, I can handle the dishes," Gus said, standing behind Nicole.

Nicole chuckled as she maintained her stance by the sink. "I refuse, Ma'am. It's the least I can do for you all for letting me stay here."

"Oh, this sweet kid, you know you don't have to, right?"

"Well, my mom used to taught me that I have to help back in any way possible those who have helped me," Nicole answered.

Gus smiled at her then wiped her hands on her apron. "What a nice mother she was... Waverly told me. I'm sorry if I brought it up.."

Nicole shook her head. "No, it's okay, Ma'am-"

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