Chapter 33

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Seconds later
Nicole's bedroom

"I can explain," Nicole managed to say as she walked towards Waverly. The brunette immediately stood from her bed and stepped away from the redhead.

"What the hell is this, Nicole?" Waverly's voice was now a tone higher, but still breaking. "A lonely countrygirl who throws herself at the first low substance boyman she ever sees-"

"It's just a homework-"

"That you wrote about me?"

Nicole froze as she tried to come up with something less hurtful, although she knew the damage was already done.

"It's a simple question, Nicole. Did you write this about me or not?"

"I did, and I'm sorry, but it was a long time ago and-"

But Waverly was already sprinting towards the door and out of the apartment, without even looking back.

"Waverly!" Nicole made a run after the brunette through the stairs. "Waverly, it was a long time ago, okay? It was before I fell in love with you-"

Waverly turned around, her eyes bloodshot. "I'm sorry I'm not what you think I am. I'm sorry I'm not what you want me to be.. I'm sorry I'm just a meek attention seeker who is not worthy to be loved. This was... this was a mistake."

Then Waverly went on climbing down the stairs.

"No, Waves, no, don't do this... I love you.," Nicole pleaded as she ran after her. "You know, I love you... and I'm so sorry for those things I wrote and you know you are worthy. You deserve love, Waves."

Wynonna abruptly appeared by the entrance downstairs, her eyes bewildered by seeing all the commotion. Waverly was able to get past through her. But then the taller brunette stopped the redhead with her arm. "What the fuck is happening, Nicole?" Nicole had never seen Wynonna so serious, she even started calling her by her first name.

"Not now, Wynonna," Nicole said, as she pushed Wynonna's arm away. When Nicole got through, the red Jeep was already rolling away from the apartment.

Nicole knew she fucked up.

The next day, morning
School corridors, University of Alberta

"Just please, let me talk to her, please, Chrissy," Nicole begged. Nicole knew Waverly was staying with her best friend. Waverly hadn't given a chance to let Nicole explain. The brunette blocked her mobile number, and avoided her in school. The redhead even got a punch on her face by Wynonna, although it didn't leave a bruise.

The redhead wasn't able to sleep last night, thinking of ways how to get the brunette to listen to her.

"Shut up, Nicole," Chrissy hissed. "I've never seen her so hurt before... Nic, you might think those words you wrote about her were nothing. But it's always a big deal to her. People she loves used to hurt her. And you should have known that.."

"I know, Chrissy. I messed up, I'm so sorry," Nicole gasped, almost breaking down.

"I can't help you, Nicole... Just give her space, okay?"

But space only meant Waverly would drift apart eventually.

Hours later
Coffee shop nearby

Waverly was sporting a glum look, yet she still managed to smile at her customers. When the redhead appeared before her, her face suddenly fell.

"Waves, before you say anything, please let me explain," Nicole quickly said, panting.

Blind Date Gone Wrong (WayHaught Fanfic) - EDITED VERSION AVAILABLE ON BEEBLY PHWhere stories live. Discover now