Chapter 23

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Minutes later
Outside Aster's Sorority House

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nicole asked, noticing that Aster had not even uttered a single word on their walk home. "You've been silent lately."

The streets were still covered by snow, making Nicole hug her elbows. All of a sudden, Aster turned around, her brows furrowed in confusion and something between fear and rage. "You and Waverly... did you two use to date?"

"What?" Nicole stopped walking. The streets were almost deserted apart from some students going about their late night errands.

The dark haired girl avoided the redhead's eyes. "It's just that I... I sense some tension between the two of you... and it's really bothering me.."

Nicole felt a sudden ache inside of her, realizing that she was the worst person in the entire world. Aster deserved to know the truth. Aster didn't deserve being lied to, or even being played upon.

The redhead slowly nodded her head then upon seeing a change in Aster's expression, Nicole quickly explained about the whole blind date thing and that Waverly was a straight girl. Or so Nicole thought, but she left that part out.

"Waverly is not straight, she's wearing rainbow socks, for Pete's sake," Aster snapped. This startled the redhead. She had never seen Aster this mad before. In fact, Nicole had never seen Aster got mad at her like that.


"You're holding something back...."


"Did you two... you know...."

Nicole only dropped her mouth open but she couldn't get herself to explain.

"Oh my God!" Aster was freaking out.

"Hey... Aster.. Waverly and I are just friends, okay?"

Then Nicole received a strong blow against her cheek. The sound filled the chilly air of the night and it might have echoed towards the next street.

"Is this what you are, Nicole, huh?" Aster exclaimed, her voice loud and breaking. "Taking advantage of your dates? Lying to them just so you can get laid with each one of them? I thought you were different!"

"No, Aster, that's not true-" Nicole stepped closer towards Aster. She wanted to hug the girl, to make her believe that she was trying her best to keep her promise. But Aster pushed her by the shoulders, her nostrils fuming.

"Fuck off, Nicole!"

Minutes later
Nicole's bedroom, Wynonna's apartment

Nicole stared at the white ceiling before her as she lay on her bed. She didn't bother to change from her Arcadia uniform. Sleep seemed like a long way to go as she thought about Aster, about Perry and about Waverly. It was all too much and overwhelming to the redhead.

What Nicole did to Aster had been unforgivable. The redhead led her on, thinking that they would eventually have a future together. It was all for nothing. It was all for trying to get over from a certain brunette. And Nicole hated herself even more for it.

Aster deserved so much. And Nicole only took her for granted. She should have just been honest to her from the start. She had used Aster for her own benefit, she had used her as a cure to her loneliness.

Nicole's tears started to fall uncontrollably from her eyes. She grabbed her pillow and covered her face with it. She screamed and screamed with rage and hatred into the pillow, hoping it would muffle the sound as she released all her emotions. Or so, she tried.

Blind Date Gone Wrong (WayHaught Fanfic) - EDITED VERSION AVAILABLE ON BEEBLY PHWhere stories live. Discover now