Chapter 26

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The next day, late night
Wynonna's apartment

It was almost midnight when Nicole came home the following day. The redhead expected it would only take an hour and a half to study for their coming exams, but being with Rosita had made it harder. Her best friend just couldn't stop talking about the supposed date Nicole and Waverly had yesterday.

Thoughts about the brunette had never left the redhead's mind though. She figured out that the feelings were still there and mutual. Both of them thought love was letting go. That it was not easy to be brazen when the one you love didn't feel the same way back or share the same intentions. She knew she should wait for Waverly, as requested. She knew then that time would set them both free.

But life for the redhead was fickle and cruel. She just wished nothing bad would happen, but being Nicole, she already would expect the worst. Expecting the worst would lessen the pain if things really went bad.

The redhead was almost done brushing her teeth in the bathroom when she suddenly heard a scream outside. She quickly gurgled some water and spat it out unto the sink.

Nicole knew the noise came from Waverly's bedroom. She was about to lift her hand to knock when, all of a sudden, the door bursted open. Both of them startled upon seeing each other.

"Fudgenuggets!" Waverly shrieked, her hand clutching on her chest. The brunette was in her pajamas with small unicorn prints. "I thought you were already asleep."

Nicole swallowed a lump in her throat. She was always nervous in front of the beautiful Waverly. "I just got home. What's the matter? You were screaming-"

Waverly walked past the redhead, their shoulders lightly brushing. Then the brunette grabbed the broom from the kitchen and immediately went back into her bedroom. Nicole's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

Curiosity took over the redhead as she waltzed inside. Nicole witnessed Waverly on a fighting stance with a broom in hand, looking like a beautiful Amazon warrior, in front of a huge black spider on the wall beside her Yo Yo Ma poster.

"That's frickin huge," Nicole said, her hands on both side of her hips.

"You think? You're lucky you haven't encountered anything like this at the Homestead," Waverly replied with a grunt as she galloped forward, fencing the broom like a sword. But the spider seemed to sense her action and crawled on the broom handle instead, making the brunette scream louder and let go of the weapon. Waverly made a run towards the redhead, her arms wrapping around Nicole like a shield. Nicole's heart started to beat furiously.

"Nicole, where did it go?" It was evident from Waverly's voice that she was scared.

"Umm, probably under your bed-"

"Please, can you take a look?" Brown eyes met scared hazel ones. She looks so adorable, Nicole thought.

The redhead asked with a smirk. "Are you scared?"

Waverly scoffed, letting go of Nicole. The redhead suddenly felt sad upon the loss of contact. "It's a huge spider, Nic. It could be fatal-"

"You're just scared-"

"Shut up." Waverly crossed her arms across her chest as she waited behind Nicole.

Blind Date Gone Wrong (WayHaught Fanfic) - EDITED VERSION AVAILABLE ON BEEBLY PHWhere stories live. Discover now