Chapter one: The first day

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"I'm so glad your here!" Lila screamed when I entered the classroom. "Actually your lucky." I told her trying to be serious. I walked past the teachers unorganised desk, and sat down next to Lila.

"How are you enjoying your first day?" She asked with a grim smile on her face.

"Well considering this is my fist class, so far so good." When my brother told me I could switch schools, I didn't think he was serious, but I'm here. When the bell rang, a swift breeze blew my chocolate coloured brown hair to one side, and I got a chill up my spine.

"Good morning class, it's a brand new year and I am your new math teacher, Mr.Lotne...." From there we got introduced and got started on some equations.

When it was second period, I walked over to my locker to grab my Science notebook. I slammed my locker door and standing there was my brother. I jumped, but as I noticed it was my brother, I smacked him in the back of his head, and said

"Parker don't scare me like that!"

He just smiled and asked, "Who's the redhead over there talking to Mr.Lotne?"

I turned my head swiftly in a 90 degree angle to see Lila talking to Mr.Lotne.

"That's my best friend Lila. Which speaking of is my roommate! Do you know who yours is?" I asked him with excitement. Another thing I love about this school. It's like collage. We live in dorms on campus!

"I don't know who he is, some geek though" he said showing a deceived look. but then he added, "I'm gonna go ask her out."

And before I got to protest, he was already walking over to her. I decided not to get involved with my brothers relationships. He normally takes a girl out on one date, sleeps with them, and moves on.

Another thing about Bayson high, it was the drama school. I was heading to my next class when this kid smacked into me making my stuff fall to the ground, taking me with it.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" He yelled helping me pick up my stuff. "It's fine just look where your going next time." Then I walked in the science room.

The science teacher Mrs.Nat, began teaching her lesson. I heard from Lila that she is always ragging on about her life story. She was not lying.

Finally it was last period. It had been a long day. My last class was English, and I walked right into trouble. Mrs.Myrtle kept raging on and on about different types of books.

Finally at the end of class she gave us directions. "You will be assigned a partner to work on this project. I will assign your group a book and you guys are to do a report on it. You should meet after school with this person, it counts as a summative grade. The partners are..." I felt like I was going to panic.

She was near the end of the list, so far doing a boy girl pattern, and had not yet called my name. Finally he said " Aero and Ben." I had no clue who Ben was. I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around to see the kid who ran into me in the hallway. "Hi I'm Ben."

Oh great. Just great. "I'm Aero" I said faking a smile. I tend to always have to fake a smile.

"I know we met in the hallway." I didn't know what to do. I kinda just froze up. You see, I haven't felt very comfortable around boys. For one, they are idiots, take Parker for example. And the second......

"Are you okay Aero?" I heard a voice Interrupt my thoughts. "What?" I ask.

"When do you want to meet after school?" Ben asked me. I think I was scaring him because he got quieter with each word.

"Um how about tomorrow after school?"

I didn't want to meet with him at all, but school is my number 1 event of my life. School first. "Okay that works for me". Ben said.

I was about to reply when Parker came over. "Come on sis lets go."

I was so happy to have an excuse to leave. As I turned I saw Parker run into Bens shoulder as he walked away.

Great. Its gonna start like this again.

When I got to my dorm, I saw Lila putting on make-up. "How do I look?" She asked with a grin. I had to lie to save her feelings. you see Lila's kind of sensitive.

"You look great. What's the event?" I have the key to lying. If you'd lie as much as I have to, you would to. "I have a date with.... parker."

I knew it wouldn't end well. He doesn't stay in a relationship with a girl for more than about.... one night.

"You know how it will end."

I went into the living room and plopped my self on the couch."I think it will be different this time... I hope. it doesn't hurt to try" I heard her sigh a bit.

She's liked my brother sense the first time she saw him. What she doesn't know is that he only noticed her yesterday. "Well when he sleeps with you and doesn't call you, don't come crying to me!" I was getting a little irritated. my favorite show was on. I don't really care about her love life, especially when my brothers in it.

About an hour later, without a knock, Parker barges through the door. "Ready to go Lila?" He said with a toothpick slightly visible hanging from his mouth.

"Thanks for knocking dude" I snarled at him. " Someone's cranky" he said impatiently. "Oh sorry I'm not happy that your about to use my best friend." He could notice the sarcasm in my voice. Lila then came out before he started a sentence.

"I'm ready". Like a "gentleman" he opened the door and out they went. "Bye to you too." I mumbled.

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