I am so Sorry

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YAY the break is over and y'all finally get to read what is happening with the boissss Um so a lot happened to Todoroki and I mean A LOT.. He has so many injuries and there is going to be a really long recovery, however because I am lazy and don't want to write 17 different hospital scenes there are probably going to be 2 or 3 because that's about as much of a hospital that I would like to write. ALSO the reason that all things happen to Todoroki is just because I kept adding these things because it made drama and that is really fun to write tbh.

I Don't Deserve To Be With Him Anymore...

The thoughts raced through his head, though he knew he wouldn't ever leave Todoroki, he started to think that he might not want to be, after all, if he couldn't even protect him from a car, how could he protect him from anything else? 

Though Bakugo hated the thought, it crept into his mind and dragged him through the depths of his thoughts. All he wanted was Todoroki to be well, he wanted to hold him again, to touch him, to kiss him. 

He felt as if he were being dragged through a nightmare and he desperately tried to get out and wake up.

Bakugo waking up never came, and reality came crashing down upon him, his terrible reality. 

His boyfriend was in the hospital almost dead and he feared Todoroki wouldn't make it out alive, he feared being alone like he was, and most of all, he feared never being able to see Todoroki and never being able to propose to his wonderful, beautiful boyfriend.

Bakugo stayed lost in his thoughts for over an hour. 

All he's been through.. everything that we have been through... all that we've done.. it could all be lost... in an instant it could be gone.. I could lose him.. I'm not ready... God I really am not ready... Please be alright Todoroki.. Don't leave me...

Almost 5 hours have passed and Bakugo was still sitting in his thoughts. Soon after the doctor came back to Bakugo, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and stood up, he was at eye level with the doctor, his face full of worry and dread. 

The doctor began to speak.

"We have done thorough examinations, several MRI's, CAT scans, X-Rays, and we have found a lot.. not all of it is good. To start Todoroki had a major concussion. the skin on his right shoulder was scraped off from the fall and it has been bandaged. His left arm had three breaks along the wrist, elbow and fibula, we fixed his arms and we went to his legs, each of them had busted knees, torn ACLs, his left ankle in shards. We have fixed the best we could there. He will be able to walk, but it won't be for a VERY long time. After some more examinations we found that his right hip was cracked through and we had to do an emergency surgery for that. All in all he will be perfectly ok. However he will probably be in the hospital for over half a year"


"Ha-half a year? But.. He will be ok. he isn't going to die.. um. can.. can I see him?" 

His eyes were pleading and brimmed with tears. He longed to hold Todoroki in his arms once more. But he knew that wouldn't happen for another 6 MONTHS. He didn't know what to do. He never thought that Todoroki would ever be this far out of his grasp.

"You will be able to see him in about 30 minutes. He is getting set up in his room, and we want to make sure he is stable before anyone comes to see him."

"Ok.. thank you..." 

Bakugo nodded as the doctor went off. He sat back down where he was, his heart still pounding a mile a minute. The thought of seeing Todoroki hooked up to all the tubes, and wires, and various items scared him. 

30 minutes passed and the doctor came back, he took Bakugo back through the hallway of the hospital and its bright white walls, and floors, the nurses passing in blue and green scrubs. 

Doctors rushing past to get to their own patients. Bakugo was taken to a room and the doctor nodded saying 'he is in there' before going off. Probably to go and check on his other patients.. 

Bakugo stood at the rooms door staring, just staring at the door almost as if he thought if he stared hard enough he could just see through it. 

Hesitantly and slowly he reached out his hand, slightly shaking and he opened the door, a small creeakk coming from it as it opened. He got the door opened and he stepped inside quickly shutting it behind him. 

He looked through the room and he stared at Todoroki. His mouth slightly ajar and his heart feeling as if it had just shattered into a million pieces.

Todoroki lay on the bed, his chest slowly rising and falling while the heart monitor keeping a slow beat in the background droned on. 

Todoroki had an IV in his arm, scratches on his arms and face were painfully obvious against his skin. 

Bakugo took a deep breath before walking closer. His steps were shaky and hesitant, as though he were scared to approach Todoroki due to the tubes and everything. 

He was scared that if he got to close, just his presence would make the heart monitor go flat. 

Bakugo felt his eyes start to sting with tears, he tried to look up away from his injured boyfriend but his gaze was fixed directly on him and only him. 

He came closer to the bed, once he got to the edge he gently reached out his hand laying it across the back of Todoroki's hand. 

He felt a small wave of relief wash over him as he touched Todo. He gave a small sigh and held back the tears that continued to threaten to fall down his face. He whispered under his breath 

"I am so sorry..."

So, I got the chapter out :))) I am so happy, I have another surprise coming soon for the story, I am also now... drum roll please... single :/ I got left by my bf for another girl. So that is a thing that happened and I am doing much better now but eh, I guess it happens. I am just not going to make it ruin my life, we weren't meant for each other obviously so I guess that was it. But it's all good. I have my bff and my "sister" E_zap_lil_luma and she is my main supporter and the post without whom I could not stand. I love you girl.

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