I Don't Deserve His Love

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-- a couple weeks later --

Bakugo carried the small cup of pudding though the halls of the hospital heading back to Todorokis room. Todoroki has been healing according to plan and there have been no complications since the initial accident. 

Bakugo has been making sure Todoroki eats and is just continually watching over Todoroki through everything. 

Bakugo came into the room and saw Todoroki sitting up staring through half-lidded eyes out the window, a small beep beep beep from the heart monitor echoing in the background.

Bakugo walked in and Todoroki looked right at Bakugo, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge next to Todo. He handed him the pudding cup with a crappy plastic spoon. 

"Eat it baby.. you need to eat." 

Todoroki gave a soft nod before opening it and taking a small bite. Bakugo watched and looked over the now fading scars on Todorokis arms and shoulders. 

Bakugo gave a soft smile as Todoroki ate more. 

He has lost a lot of weight since the accident. If he doesn't eat more.. he won't be able to leave anytime soon... 

Bakugo's thoughts followed along these lines and kept along the same general message.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a soft tap on his knee. He looked up to see a doctor looking over the boys. 

Bakugo nodded slightly and gently hopped off the bed moving aside so the doctor could look over Todoroki. 

The doctor checked all the vitals and motioned for Bakugo to follow him. Todoroki gave a small nod and gave a soft kiss to Todorokis forehead. 

"Be right back baby.." 

Todoroki gave a small nod and Bakugo followed the doctor out into the hallway.

"So checking him over everything is going great he is healing quicker than what we had initially expected but that is a good thing. However noticing everything, we are becoming more and more worried about his legs. His legs took most of the impact, as we have found out, therefore making his legs the most injured. There were multiple breaks and fractures and he tore his ACL in both knees. We are just worried he might not be able to make it out of here still being able to walk. Starting tomorrow we want to start a physical therapy for him to give us a basis of how his legs are going to be, and only after some PT will we be able to tell how his legs will turn out." 

(I still made all of that up I am not a medical professional so I don't know how any of this actually works)

"O-ok.. Thank you doctor.." 

The doctor gave a small nod before walking back down the hallway, the heels of his shoes clicking in the distance. 

Bakugo let out a breath he hadn't realized that he was holding and he turned back towards the door. He could feel his hands shaking at his sides as he opened the door and walked inside. Todoroki looked over at him and his eyebrows furrowed in slight concern. 

"Bakugo..? What's the matter?" 

"It's.. nothing.. just nothing. It's all ok, how do you feel?"

"No.. Bakugo you have that look on your face.... please just tell me.." 

Bakugo gave a soft sigh in defeat and looked at Todoroki before explaining everything that the doctor had told him. He could tell his voice was wavering slightly as he talked and Todoroki listened. 

Bakugo finished and stared off at a wall choking back tears that threatened to leave his eyes. Todoroki could tell everything that was happening, he knew everything about Bakugo, he knew that Bakugo was having trouble with this and it was hard for him. It was hard for Todoroki too but he had to stay strong for Bakugo. 

Todoroki could almost tell just by the look on Bakugos face that he was breaking apart at the seams. It hurt Todoroki to see Bakugo like this, but he couldn't say that, he didn't want Bakugo to worry. 

He.. he shouldn't worry so much about me.. I'm not worth it.. he should just.. stop caring about me.. I don't deserve him.. I don't deserve his love.. I don't want him to worry about me... I don't deserve his love...

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