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Hey guys, so here is another timeskip and just to catch you up a bit, Todoroki is going to be leaving the hospital. He is going to be able to walk again, however for now he is going to be in a wheelchair, also WARNING, SLIGHT SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER it is kind of funny. And also just a heads up. As of right now, it is kind of hard for me to think of ideas so if the chapters seem kind of choppy and just literal shit it's because I don't really have many ideas for this part. For this chapter it is going to be kind of better, but I know the chapters before were kind of bad and short, but bear with me it will get better, I promise. :)

-- Big Timeskip to when Todoroki is leaving the hospital --

Bakugo pushed Todoroki through the halls of the hospital while the doctor followed beside. 

He was explaining to Bakugo the medicines Todo will have to take and how the exercises from PT will help him and if he doesn't do them he risks not being able to walk again. 

Bakugo nodded and listened intently to make sure not to miss anything and do whatever he could to help his boyfriend. They got to the door and the doctor waved them off.

The pair walked through the parking lot and went to the sidewalk, ever since the second week Todo was in the hospital Bakugo would walk to the hospital and back. 

He never got tired of it, he would take the time that he was walking and just spend that time in his thoughts - Which were always on Todoroki - And lately he has been thinking a lot more about him in general. 

He would think about the wedding and how he is going to propose to him and he had it all planned out. (Sorry not going to spoil it) And he knew that Todoroki was going to absolutely love it.

As they walked Todoroki looked around, he looked all over and took in all of his surroundings. 

I never noticed how much color was outside. Has Bakugo always looked like that outside? Did he always look that radiant in the sunlight? Why are there butterflies in my stomach now?? We've been dating for so long... yet he still manages to make my heart do flips... 

Bakugo looked at Todoroki who had been staring at him for a long time now. They were almost home Baku smiled at Todoroki who quickly looked away, he could feel a slight burn in his cheeks.

"You ok babe? You were staring at me.. and then you looked away. Am I that ugly?" He teased

"Oh.. yeahyeah, I'm ok, and you're not ugly I was.. I'll explain it when we aren't outside.."


Bakugo asked confused, he felt something pang in his stomach as he and Todoroki started up the sidewalk of Bakugos house. 

He shook off the uneasy feeling in his stomach and walked inside with Todoroki being careful of everything. Todoroki gave a soft sigh as Bakugo stopped his wheelchair next to the couch. 

Bakugo moved around him his hand softly travelling across Todorokis shoulders before he sat down on the couch next to him. He gazed over at Todoroki who was once again staring at him. He smiled softly and Todo quickly looked away again. 

Bakugo tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Babe? You ok?"

"yeah.. I'm doing ok.. just.. it's hard to explain.."

"Ok.." Once again he felt the pang in the pit of his stomach, 

He... doesn't want to be with me.. I can see it in his face.. 

Bakugo reached over and gently took Todorokis hand and gave a reassuring look. 

"Could you try? You're making me kind of nervous here.."

"I guess. it's just that.. I can't help it.. you're just so.. perfect.. and it makes my stomach twist.."

Bakugo chuckled softly, he leaned forward and got closer to Todorokis face. Todoroki could feel his breath start to speed up as Bakugo got closer, his heart raced and his eyes fluttered shut. 

He waited for a moment before he finally opened his eyes to find that Bakugo was smirking and looking right at him. He felt his face go a deep shade of pink, and his body tense up as if his senses became hyper-aware of every little movement.

Is he going to kiss me..? Did.. did I do some-- 

His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a pressure on his lips, he smiled big and kissed back immediately. 

Bakugo smiled softly through the kiss and lingered for only a moment before pulling back. He smiled and slowly opened his eyes. 

He looked at Todoroki, his face was contorted with fear.

"Babe is everyth-"


Ok.. so big plot twist hehehe.. THATS THE END OF THIS BOOK HAHAHAHA. And yes there will be a sequal lmao. But yay I finished my first book. But there will be a sequal soon, it will be called "I Will Always Be Yours" and it will be coming eventually :) Thanks so much for reading loves and I hope you all have wonderful times. 

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