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"Hey, Ryujin-ah

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"Hey, Ryujin-ah..." Hyunjin calls from her bed with her eyes stick to the phone's screen. She received a text.


"Hina asked about this weekend's plan. What do you want to do?" They are best friends but only Hyunjin and Ryujin is placed in the same dormitory room.

"Our typical outing routine is eating at the hamburger place." Ryujin rolls her eyes and says the word hamburger in an annoying tone, telling Hyunjin how she already feels like vomiting of eating hamburger.

"Of course. I can't skip a weekend not eating a hamburger." Hyunjin is getting happy just to think of the hamburger. Yes, I'm going to eat hamburger this weekend and tomorrow I'll eat bread during the recess. She's really a bread hunter.

Ryujin's phone rings indicating that there is an incoming phone call. "Yeoboseyo, Abeoji... Wae? Now? Jinjja? Ne... Jamkkaman... I'm coming."

"Nugu?" asks Hyunjin when she sees Ryujin is in a rush to go out.

"Uri abeoji. He's already here. I'm going to meet him. You make the plan with Hina first."



Ryujin closes the car door. "Wae, Abeoji? What's with the sudden visit?"

"Have you planned anything for your weekend?"

"Hanging out with my friends, of course. Wae?" Her face shows her curiosity.

"Dear, I'm sorry but can you please cancel that plan? I have a task for you."

"What task?" She keeps on asking since she has no clues what his father was saying.

"Make a deal with our new client." Seunghwan looks at his daughter. Ryujin is the final solution. He can't make it with his eldest son so he hopes his daughter can help him with this. He only has two kids though. He knows her daughter so well. He knows she will refuse it. But he also knows that his daughter is a good daughter. She won't disappoint him.

Ryujin tends to giggle. "Wow, wow, wow! Did I hear it wrong? Are you serious, Abeoji?"

"I'm really really serious right now."

"A little explanation, please. I'm confuse."

"So we have a new client from Japan. We'll be dealing this weekend. He will send his successor who can speak Korean. To make sure nothing will be unjust, he asked me to send my successor too. And Woobin can't make it. He has another important thing to do. So jebal, Ryujin. I know I can trust you. I know how great you are."

Ryujin bites her lip. She knows her father was being so understanding of her this whole time. She should at least understand her father's situation right now. But still, it's her stand. And her stand is always sturdy. "Abeoji... I don't mind if I need to cancel the plan with my friends. They are important but you're my priority. But you know I really don't want to do this thing."

"Once. Jebal, this once. Settle the deal and just leave it. I won't bother you anymore. I have never been thinking to bring you into this thing. But this time, the situation is just too... Desperate."

Ryujin looks at his father. "Only for this time. I won't consider any second time. Fetch me this weekend."

Seunghwan smiles from ear to ear. He pinches his daughter's cheeks. "Aigoo, you're so cute! This Saturday, I'll fetch you at 9.30 a.m. I'll brief you on our way."

"Abeoji, I'm not a kid anymore, you know?" She pulls away his hands from her cheeks.

"So we'll send Joanne for the deal." Seunghwan is getting excited.

"Abeoji! Don't mention that! I told you, this is my first and last. I don't want to use that name. I'm not one of you." Ryujin pouts. Joanne is her mafia incognito name. She never wants to have one but her father created one for her. Having an incognito makes her feel like she is one of the mafias which she hates the most. To her, she is Shin Ryujin, an ordinary girl who has a cheerful life and friends. She's so lucky that she has a great brother. A brother that can be the heir of the mafia gang so she can live happily, ignoring the fact that she's a daughter of a mafia.

"But it's for your own safety, dear." Seunghwan frowns. Oh please, don't be stubborn about this one thing. He always assures his daughter's safety but nothing can be predicted in this mafia world.

"They won't hurt me. I'll just going to make a deal and Abeoji and Oppa will settle the rest. I will not getting involve with this thing at all after this. So please, I'm not Joanne. I'm Ryujin. I'm not a mafia, Abeoji..." She knows her words might hurt her father. "Mianhae, Abeoji. But this is a win-win situation."

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